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"Uggghhhh!! Hyung...!!!" Jin groaned while Jungkook started the car. "I didn't expect him to play a game with me, Jungkook!" He said while tapping the car front. "Calm down, Seokjin." Jin immediately calmed down while pouting cutely.

They went back home and Jin yawned like a kid. "Go, rest, Seokjin. I can order something for us." Jin cutely smiled and nodded. Meanwhile, he just leaned back and took a nap right there.

Jungkook came out of the bathroom, refreshed. He didn't find Jin there. He put his clothes on and went downstairs to order something and found Jin snoring, sleeping on the couch.

He, shaking his head, took Jin into his arms and took him upstairs, softly laid him on the bed and covered him with a blanket. Jin squirmed in his place and turned to the side. "Eomma, tu-rn the faaaan on, pleeeease."

Jungkook smiled and switched the fan on. He went downstairs and ordered some food right away with some Tteokbokki.

His phone made a sound, a message notification.

"Oh, sorry."

"Was busy with other clients."

"If you are ok, we can start right from tomorrow."

"We can meet somewhere you're comfortable with."

He put the phone down and opened his laptop to start the remaining work.

"Seok-" he stopped realising that Seokjin is sleeping and he moved forward to take Jin's bag, which was nearby. He successfully took the tablet outside and opened it. It has a beautifully smiling Seokjin on the lockscreen.

Jungkook unknowingly stared at the picture and unknowingly swiped the screen, too. Immediately he found Jungkook's picture on the homescreen. He felt a little uncomfortable seeing his picture on the screen.

He shook his head and opened the required app to check the schedules. He went through everything and quickly closed the tablet and threw it aside (gently).

Minutes later, the order has arrived and Jungkook decided to wake Jin up before serving it.

"Seokjin." Jin immediately sat on the bed, hearing the intimidating voice. Jungkook was surprised when he saw Jin sitting straight on the bed with sleepy eyes, yawning. "Y-yes, Jungkook."

"Co-come downstairs. The food has arrived." Jin nodded while rubbing his eyes, yawning, "I-i will be there in 10, Jungkook." He said and got down the bed.

Jungkook nodded and left the room, closing it behind him. He breathed out, shaking his head, went downstairs and got the plates ready. He sat in his place and waited patiently for Jin to come.

Jin came and sat in his place still annoyed by the incident, murmuring this and that. "Seokjin, eat peacefully."

"I-i don't understand. Why did they have the need to do it? Even the guy who was murdered is all a plan! Uggghhh!" Jin continued to talk even after taking food into his mouth. "Seokjin, stop talking and eat." Jungkook said in a deep voice.

"O-ok." Jin said and silently are his food.

Time for Tteokbokki..

Jin waited for Jungkook to finish his food, so he can share the tteokbokki. Once, the other is done, he quickly took some and served some for Jungkook and he happily ate his dish.

They joined eachother after Jin doing the dishes and he sat on the couch, wiping his hands. "Now that we know this is all a prank or something, i can sleep peacefully from today." Jin said and sighed. Jungkook just nodded his head not lifting his head from the laptop.

Jin switched the tv on and started another drama. Jin was watching it silently and Jungkook was doing his work, silently. Just then, Jungkook's phone started to ring loudly. Jungkook immediately pushed the laptop aside and looked at the caller name.

It was from Hoseok.

He stared at the screen. Uncomfortably shifting in his own place. Nevertheless, he decided to answer the call. He went a little too far away from Jin and answered the call.

"Hey, Hoseok."

"Good evening. Did i disturb you, Jungkook?" Slightly smirking, Hoseok asked.

"Oh! N-no! No! I am free."

"Ok! Lets meet tomorrow. If you'd like. I made time just for you."

"Tomorrow..... It is, then."

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