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From then, Yoongi made a team just to secretly investigate what information was already leaked out yet to be leaked.

Yoongi and Jin took them to a known bunglow and nobody except Jin and Yoongi knows. "I have ask him some questions, hyung." Jin said and Yoongi, chuckled. "He is mute, Jin." Jin gasped, "Clever bastards."

"I know."

"He can hear me, right!? Listen here, you piece of shit. I and hyung will definitely catch you guys whoever you are and put you behind the bars. Idiots." Jin said and leaned towards Yoongi.

"I need to check everything he possesses, hyung. Anywhere, anything, everything." Yoongi gave him a thumbs up and said, "We can deal with this later after i personally create a team for this, Jin. Lets go home. It's already late and your husband is gonna be worrying." Yoongi said grinning and Jin rolled his eyes.

They started their car only after Yoongi made sure he locked the door.

They reached the house in an hour and Yoongi turned back to leave after bidding him a good bye. "Have supper with us, hyung. Please?!" Yoongi couldn't deny so he just nodded and they both went inside.

Meanwhile, Jungkook who was extremely bored without Jin, lazily completed his job and went home, thinking about the 'date' Yoongi was talking about.

Jungkook was paving around the house waiting for Jin to come home, but when he heard the door click, he ran to his place and started to work in his laptop.

"I'm home, Jungkook." He said and set his bag in its place. "You can freshen up in the guest room, hyung. I will go cook food for us." Yoongi nodded and walked as if he was regular or as if he lives in the house.

Jin cooked delicious meal in just 45 minutes and called out for them. They walked towards the dining table.

"Here's yours, hyung. Jungkook, this is yours." Jin said placing the food before them. Yoongi hummed smelling the aroma he said, "Smells good, looks good." Jin flashed a bright smiled and settled down in his place.

"Hyung, make the team, as soon as possible. We can't delay more." Jin said and Yoongi nodded, "Alright."

"Also, have him checked. Completely. Get all his belongings from his cabin. His details, everything." Jin continued and Yoongi listened to him, noting them in his brain, eating.

Jungkook cleared his throat, once. They didn't stop to look. Jungkook cleared his throat, twice. Jin immediately put a glass of water before Jungkook and Jungkook looked at Jin, annoyed.

He harshly put those chopsticks aside and drank the water. He put the glass, with force and they looked at Jungkook. Jungkook averted his gaze to something else and acted like he didn't care and since nothing happened, both of them started to talk again.

While talking Yoongi choked on his food and Jin immediately handed him a glass of water while tapping his head. "Slow, hyung. Careful. We can talk later."

Jungkook looked at Jin in disbelief. 'What the-' Jungkook mouthed and shook his head.

Later, Yoongi decided to leave for the night to make arrangements for a team. Jin bid him a bye by escorting him out. He came back inside only after Yoongi left.


The next day.. Yoongi got the guy checked and found a device. It kept on blinking and Yoongi made sure to destroy it completely. Since, it is destroyed, Yoongi breathed in relief and continued with gathering his details.

Meanwhile, Jin was busy with his work in the office. The work in the office doubled since, there is a rumour their future perfume idea was stolen. Jungkook made sure release a commercial on the idea, which was just for a pre-release.

Jin was asked to be there for every trial for the ad and Jin was dealing with both the cases. It is tiring him to the core but he has to do. He has taken up the job and it's his responsibility.

In the evening, Yoongi called Jin and told him about everything he found about him and Jin asked him to make a written copy about him and Yoongi agreed. He said he will ready with them by tomorrow.

Jin and Yoongi agreed to meet up tomorrow once and check the information together and make leads in the investigation.

Jin didn't know who to contact for the ad-making and he just checked someone online. He found a good actor and actress. But, having their schedule tight, their meeting was delayed.

They showed up at 6. No, only the actress showed up at 6, not the actor. The reason was the actor was sick.

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