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"Oh, wait! Why are you driving me away? Oh! I think I didn't introduce myself well, right!? I am Samantha. You can call me Sam." Jungkook didn't react at all and he just leaned back waiting for her to leave.

He shouldn't have her in his room at nights, because he has a husband and also partnering up with Mr. Cooper and his company is one great opportunity to bring their company worldwide. He should avoid her and at the same time, be nice to her, so the main boss won't reconsider his decision.

"Hello, Samantha. And I think you should know about me the same. I am Jeon Jungkook-"

"Of course, I know about you very we-" Jungkook hated being cut off and he cut her off continuing his introduction. "I am married to a beautiful man, Kim Seokjin and I am the third and youngest son of Mr. Jeon Bongpal. I am the CEO of the company now. And I am not trying to be a good husband to my beautiful husband, Kim Seokjin." Jungkook emphasized the word Husband, so that she would move away because he is married.

But, that didn't work with Ms. Cooper. "So, you are married.. And that doesn't change my obsession on you, Jungkook dear. Marry me, please? We can be married in secret, if that's what you want. I don't think you love your husband, anyway." Jungkook hearing her say, he doesn't love his husband, he felt she isn't wrong.

He doesn't act like he is married to Seokjin. Now that, someone is trying to get close to him, he is saying he is married. But, never once he actually acted like he is married.

"Wait, do you have pictures of you and your husband together? Or... called your husband anytime to say that you love him or miss him? Oh my God! You don't have your wedding ring on. You don't love him, do you Jungkook?" Sam smirked knowing he is not in love with Seokjin and she is sure that Jungkook wouldn't even have kissed Jin.

"I don't care. I want you. I want you for the rest of life. As my husband. So, before you leave, decide if you want-"

"Just shut up and leave, please." Jungkook didn't mean to be rude at her but it came out. Samantha didn't take it seriously but said, "Umm, sexy. I am not leaving you at all, Jungkook. You will come to me running now or later." She smirked and left the room.

Jungkook felt bad for Seokjin because, Me. Cooper thought they're not in love and also many other people might have thought the same, seeing them.


Jin slept peacefully after so many days. He felt good after a general talk with his husband. It's highly impossible to have such conversations with a work-obessed man.

The same day, Jungkook called Jin again and they had a normal and general conversation. Jungkook asked him several questions, to know more about him. Jin became happy that this happened the next day too.

The days were going fine without any problem and everyday, Jungkook called Jin to know what's happening and to know if he is taking care of himself as well as Jimin and the baby.

Jin was happy because, he thought Jungkook finally changed and started to learn more about him. That got Seokjin's hopes up high and it is clearly visible that Jungkook has changed, put work aside and considered Seokjin and their relationship.

Jin thought he should go visit Jungkook's place atleast like a small date for two or three days. Jin told his idea of surprising Jungkook and what's been happening and the family is more than happy. They are happy that their relationship is growing and he changed for good.

They agreed on him going to States. Even the inside Jimin agreed.

Jimin asked Jungkook of where he is, genuinely and Jin was told what to do. He planned on going to surprise him and see his face, finally after a long time.

Jungkook said he was going to the party, Mr. Cooper has planned on his farewell, because the time has come. Jin thought he could meet him later at his suite after he comes back. He after the flight, Jin directly went to his suite with the key, arranged by Jimin.

Jin decided to rest for some time and then take a bath, because the journey was tiring.

The time passed..

Jin went to take a bath, thinking Jungkook would come a little later, but.. the door of the suite opened giving out a beep. Jin smiled thinking it was Jungkook and hid in the the bedroom. He quickly put his clothes on and peeked out of the door.

He saw a girl, struggling to get Jungkook into the room. She put him slowly on the couch and put a hand under her own chin. "Aww, Jungkook sweetie. So cute, you are. Such a baby, you are. I promised you a great night but you drank whole champagne bottle and now you're not sober for me to make love to you. I wonder how you will react when you wake up? I wore this just for you!

Wait, Lemme take pictures of your cute pictures of you and me together." She immediately took her phone out from her purse and took pictures of him. She slightly opened Jungkook shirt and took more picture of him.

Jin already collapsed to the ground listening to the sweet talk. He didn't expect he'd get a great gift for thinking Jungkook had changed. Eyes full of tears, Jin rose up and as if it's not new, Jin put everything inside his bag again.

The gift he bought for Jungkook, that make him feel not alone. A cup that has his name printed on it. He harshly threw it inside which caused a break to the cup handle. Putting everything else inside, it cut Jin's hand, not too deep, but deep enough for it to bleed.

"Why am I even crying? These tears are anyhow useless. This is not new for you, Jinnie! Everytime I think he changed, he proves me wrong. I am done with this!" He kept on wiping those 'useless' tears, which are coming out of pure betrayal and heart brokenness.

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