❃.✮:▹ 15 ◃:✮.❃

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On their way to the Jeons, Jungkook and Yoongi were silent all the way. once they reached they were invited in and were lead to the study room. there they found Mr. Jeon reading a book. he lifted his head p to see two people standing straight on their feet. they bowed to the old man, "Good morning, father." both of them greeted his father. the old man hummed and got p from his place. "I have called you both here to tell you something important. 

and that is, i have decided to add another heir and help to you, Jungkook. Yoongi will help you in our business from now on." both of them expressed their shock with wide mouths. "so, discuss everything with each other before you become partners."

"i object, father." Yoongi said. Mr. Jeon looked at Yoongi. "i am not interested in the business, appa. i have my music with me and i am very happy with it. moreover, i don't even know anything about business." "i think so, too, appa." this time it's Jungkook. 

"and i don't understand why should i partner up with Yoongi?"

"Because, i am your brother and your father's son."

"You mean, illegimate son?" Jungkook smirked.

"Jungkook!" Mr. Jeon shouted. "Shut up! no matter what, he is your brother. And you have to respect it!" Mr. Jeon roared and they became silent. "But,"

Jungkook gave a pause. "How did that happen? Why did you really have to hook up with someone while mom is right at home? And on top of that, it is your secretary?! Why?" Jungkook said and Mr. Jeon sighed.

"That was a weak moment, Jungkook. You can't blame me for it!" Jungkook rolled his eyes at it. Meanwhile, Yoongi was silently enjoying the scene. "Dad, it's fine. I can help him financially, if he needs me. But, business isnt my cup of tea. Please, leave me alone dad."

Yoongi said and sat down in a chair. "Fine, then. Come to the annual party atleast Jungkook." Jungkook, hearing it, left the house, as if in a hurry.

The other two just rolled their eyes and continued their work, parting ways.


As said, the two Jeons got an invitation. That evening, Jin and Jungkook got ready and started to get to the venue. They reached in time and found Mr. Jeon and greeted him. The party was going to begin and Mr. Jeon started his speech when all of them arrived.

Jin sat there all silent and was enjoying the slow music after the speech. He was earing the sweet which was served. Just then, someone unknown greeted him. "Hello there!" Startling Jin. Jin flinched but  greeted back.

"Hello. I am Seokjin."

"Oh! Yes, I am Jeon Yoongi. Glad to meet you there!"

Jin looked over at Jungkook, who's talking to his assistant about something and then, his father. He sighed and looked back at Yoongi. "I didnt know, Jungkook had another brother. I am sorry, i couldn't recall you."

"That's not a big problem there, Seokjin." That deep voice gave Seokjin chills, internally. He smiled and shared something on the table while the other gladly accepted. "Thank you."

"So, what's your post here?"

"What- sorry?"

"Exployee or employer?" Yoongi narrowed his eyes.

"None. I am Jungkook's husband. Just!" He bitterly smiled. "Oh! I haven't been to your marriage." Jin softly nodded. "I understand. You must have been busy."

"That's totally right!"

After a great pause, Yoongi continued, "Do you think Jungkook really loves you and sees you as his husband? I don't see your interaction much as it should be."

Jin felt bad about it but it's true. "I love him, and i think its enough from my side, hyung." He said. "You know what, i like you akready." Jin just smiled.

"Smiling? I am not kidding, buddy."

"You know, i am married, hyung!"

"Oh, Seokjin! Married guys are just my type!" He said and winked. Jin didnt feel anything about what Yoongi said, but he felt butterflies when he clearly shouldnt. He left the place with wine glass while Jin just stared at his back.

The dinner was served and Mr. Jeon, Jungkook, Yoongi and Jin sat on the special table. They are being served early but being a generous man, Mr. Jeon ordered the helpers to serve the employers and employees, too.

The whole time, Yoongi didn't spare a glance towards Jin, making Jin perplex. "Didn't he flirt with me, back then?" He thought but focused on his food. Mr. Jeon questioned Jin about Jungkook and their marriage life and as usual, Jin said everything positively. Well, this didnt make someone guilty and someone uncomfortable.

It just went on.

They went back home.

They did their routine.

They went to bed.

All and everything in silence...

Author: this story usually works/ is full of silence. Sorry my teddy bears.

Gimme your honest opinion, pleaseuuu. 😗

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