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Jin waited for the last to leave and without making another sound, Jin left the suite.

He went straight to the airport and booked a ticket right away and got onto the plane, to leave States as soon as possible.

He didn't want to wait for an another second there, Because he felt like someone is suffocating him, squeezing his neck tight, making it hard for him to breathe. He took deep breaths whenever he had his mind reminding him if what happened in the room.

When he reached Korea, he mentally prepared himself for the future and decided on one thing for sure.

He went back home and people saw him surprised. "Jinnie? Why are you here?"

He didn't know what to say, instead he said, "Jungkook is really busy, eommoni. He said, he will be late, so I thought it's waste of time there. Here, I can take care of all of you. I felt lonely there so I came back."

His mother in law immediately hugged him and said, "Oh my dear, we are all here for you! Don't worry. You must be tired, go rest. You're mother left to get groceries for us. I will cook a delicious meal for you all today!" She kissed his forehead and let him rest.

"Thank you, eommoni."


Jungkook, meanwhile in the suite, woke up after a deep sleep. He held his head unable to bear the hangover. "Damn, i shouldn't have drunk so much." He went into the kitchen and to get a bottle of water but found a bottle missing. He looked around and found it on the counter.

"Who was here?" He took a drink and went into the lobby. "Had anyone come to my room at night after I left?" The last checked the incoming and outgoing record and said, "Yes, sir. A man named Kim Seokjin entered in with a recommendation. Do you have a problem, sir?"

Jungkook's face lit up when he heard Jin's name. "Oh, ok. I have no problem. Thank you." Jungkook immediately went inside excited to go back and see his husband and tell him that he is going to make an effort for his husband and their relationship.

He got ready for the flight that he has in the next few hours.

Once, Jungkook reached Korea, he went directly to Jimin's house. He went inside and looked for husband first and found everyone but his husband.

"Where's Seokjin?" He asked and Jimin said, "Daebak, husband already? Do you not need us anymore? By the way, he has gone somewhere. I don't know where. Maybe, he will be by the evening."

"I can see you are all fine. And yes, I want to see Seokjin. Let me know, once he will be here. I am going to my place." He said and immediately rushed to his car with his suitcase and to his house.

In the evening, he was waiting for a call from Jimin to hear Jin arrived at his place, but hear a word from Jin. He just shrugged it off thinking, he went to his mother's house and come back a little later. He tried calling Seokjin but the line was busy. And again he tried, the line was still busy. He put the phone aside and took some rest and tomorrow there's work again.


Seokjin came back to Jimin's house late at night and Jimin was having a later night snack. He was craving for ice cream and was having it silently in the kitchen.

Jin found Jimin in the kitchen and smiled. "Did I catch a thief?" Jimin looked up at Jin horrified. "Hehe, I was craving for this so badly. please, don't tell mom, Jinnie. I will buy you loads when you will be pregnant." Jin felt a pant in the heart when he heard the words.

He suppressed the pain, "Haha, ok. I will seal my mouth tight for ice cream." Jimin smiled and his face lit up as soon as he got a thing into his mind. "I should call your husband, first. He asked for as soon as he landed here."

"Fuck being a husband. He is fucking around, Jimin." Jimin shivered as soon as he heard the words from Namjoon. "What?" They turned around and Jin stayed silent because he knows, what his brother is talking about.


author: SrithikaEndrapally 😇💕

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