❃.✮:▹ 23 ◃:✮.❃

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Jin looked up and changed the hand break. He changed the gear and drove back to the office. He parked the car and looked at his watch. It hit 6.30 and Jungkook might have already gone home. He quickly made his way upstairs.

He stared at the empty cabins and walked into the room to grab his things. He opened the door and walked to hai desk. "Shall we go, Seokjin?" Jin squealed in fear. "Ju-jungkook. Is that you?"

Jungkook walked towards Jin, "Yes, i am. Let's go. Leave your car here for today." Jin totally didn't expect Jungkook to be there waiting for him. This made Jin's day and also his heart much softer.

On the way back home, Jin decided to bring the topic about Han and his condition. "Jungkook, i think you've overreacted in Han's situation."

"What do you mean?" Jungkook voice was deep and scary, eyes focused on the road. "I-i mean, you should've just checked what's wrong with him before firing him."

"I dont care, Seokjin. I dont care about what his problem is. His job is to complete everything on time and that's the exact reason why we are paying him a salary." Jungkook said.


"I think there's nothing more to tell, Seokjin."

Jin became completely silent and looked outside the window. They were home in 20.

Jungkook and Jin walked to their places. Jungkook to the bedroom. Jin to the bathroom to freshen up.

Later, at their dinner time.. Jin decided to give justice to the poor family. "Jungkook, please listen to me. This once." Jin begged putting his chopsticks aside.

Jungkook sighed. "Han Hajoon's family isn't at its best, Jungkook. I have seen them with my own eyes."

"And what did you see?" Jungkook asked, bored. "I have followed him towards his house-"

"So, that's where you went when i totally needed your help in the office. You are my secretary, Seokjin. Not his'." Jungkook smirked and Jin couldn't take it anymore. Jin asked him to listen but he keeps on interrupting.

"For God's sake, Jungkook, his mother isn't well. Seems like his mother is injured of something and he might taking care of his mother, this whole week!" Jin said as he slammed the table, taking his plate away to the sink.

He immediately went upstairs and sat on his bed. "Why doesn't he listen first? Hajoon is not at fault at all. I saw his mother struggling to even talk and here, Jungkook is too stubborn to listen." Jin mumbled as he stomped his feet like a kid.

He huffed and went to the table, to check for tomorrow's schedule.

Half an hour later, he heard the door clicking and he huffed again, realising it's Jungkook. Jin went towards the door and unlocked it. He quickly walked back to his place and made it look like he is busy.

Jungkook, however didn't mind and walked to the bed like he didn't care.

"Pfft!" Jin mumbled and got back to his work. Meanwhile, Jungkook starting reading a book.

The next morning, Jin prepared the meals for the morning and afternoon and got ready. Jungkook, as usual, came down at the right, usual time.

They ate their breakfast and went outside. Jin realised that he left his car yesterday at his office since Jungkook asked for it.

He, without making another word, went straight to the passenger seat and sat silently. Jungkook smirked at Jin.

They reached the office and Jin went to his car to check if it was fine and It was fine. Jungkook didn't wait.

Jin was a little late in entering and Soobin stopped him, "Good morning, Jin."

"Good morning, Soobinie. Have a great day." Jin said and left in a hurry.

"You t-oo." Soobin pouted and carried on with his work, interning.

The day as usually went on with meetings and lunch and work again. Nothing new as  usual. But,

"Hello, Jinnie!" Jin startled at the sudden voice. He spilt the coffee in his hands. "Oh! Oh! Slow there, Jin!" Yoongi said while dusting nothing on his coat.

"There's nothing there, hyung."

Yoongi grinned. "where's my baby brother?" Yoongi asked while looking around. "Come with me, i will take you to him."

"Jin, go out with me." Yoongi said while they are going to Jungkook's room. Jin didn't bother but smiled. Yoongi smirked.

"Good morning, Jungkook."

"Good morning, Yoongi. What brought you here?"

"Oh, that? Your husband brought me here!" Yoongi said and Jungkook raised his eyebrow. He shifted his glances between Yoongi and Jin. "Yeah,

Send him with me." Yoongi said smirking in himself. "And why should I do that?"

"Because, he is going on a date with me. I need your permission." Yoongi said shrugging. Jungkook scoffed, "To the little game your playing, i am not playing along, Yoongi. Leave." Jungkook said glaring at Yoongi.

"It's not a game, Jungkook, for your information. Appa asked me to take Jin somewhere. And i call it a date." Yoongi said smirking again.

"You can confirm, call appa." Yoongi said while playing with the paperweight, sitting like a boss, with a leg on top of the other.

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