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"He called you 'hoobae'!"

"Is that a good thing?" I ask Jaehwa.

"Yes, it means he considers you a part of the team!" they comment excitedly. "And he considers you a friend."

I smile warmly at their words.

"You're lucky," Jaehwa goes on. "It took him almost six months to consider me his hoobae."

"Did he not like you or something?" I chuckle.

"No, because when I joined, it was an all-male team. They hadn't had a woman in ages and never a non-binary person. It was a while before they accepted me as a member of the team."

My face drops. "Oh, I'm sorry."

"It's alright. I was able to prove how tough I am. Plus, nothing feels better than showing up a bunch of men in a pull-up competition."

"That's amazing," I laugh. "Remind me to never compete against you."

"You don't need to worry about that. You're my partner now."

"Well, partner," I begin, "shall we head out?"

They nod. "We shall."


Jaehwa knocks loudly on the dance studio door. The music stops and someone responds with, "Nae?" Jaehwa swings it open.

"Good evening," they begin in formal Korean, paired with a deep bow.

The seven members bow in return. I lock eyes with Jungkook who is biting back a grin. I know he wants to run up and hug me, but he can't. I'm just a member of his staff at the moment.

"Audaire and I are here to accompany Jimin at the doctor's," Jaehwa continues. "Are you ready to go, Jimin-ssi?"

"I am," Jimin answers. "Let me grab my bag."

He goes to the back of the room, gets his stuff, and joins us where we're standing. Jimin says goodbye to the guys, telling them he'll see them at home.

The three of us get into one of the black company cars and take Jimin to his doctor. Jimin hates going to the doctor. That's why he was pretending his finger was healed. The dull pain is bothersome and he decided to finally get it checked out. We tried calming him down while he waited his turn. It seemed to have worked a bit.

Jaehwa and I sit in the waiting room while he gets seen, and we discuss the award show most of the time. "Oh, and afterward, there's a huge idol afterparty at this underground club!" Jaehwa squeals. "It's gonna be so much fun!"

"You're going?"

"We're going," they correct me.

"But we're staff. Aren't we supposed to be working?"

"I worked last year's afterparty. This year, I'll be there solely to dance and drink."

"You're not an idol though," I chuckle.

"Some of the staff go to celebrate their idols' wins. This includes us since it's obvious BTS will sweep the awards."

"Are you sure they'll let us in?"

"Of course. We just show our Big Hit ID, get it verified, and boom, we're in."

"I have a strong feeling that this will be a night to remember," I divulge. "And maybe not in a good way."

They wave their hand in dismissal. "Don't be so paranoid. You'll have a great time."

I raise my eyebrow at them.

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