All Night

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After a wonderful afternoon at the beach, we head home for dinner. The members wore hats and sunglasses the entire time, so they weren't noticed by any fans. Or, if fans had noticed, they gave the boys their privacy, allowing them to enjoy their day as regular people.

Despite liberally applying sunscreen, I'm cooked to a crisp. My skin is bright red everywhere except for the areas my swimsuit covered. Those parts are still Casper white. However, I can't complain too much because I had a lot of fun with my sister, her best friends, and my seven incredible boyfriends. A sunburn is a small price to pay for a perfect day.

"This looks like it hurts," says Annalise as she lathers aloe vera gel on my shoulder blades.

Air is sucked harshly through my teeth. "It does. Please be more gentle."

"Sorry," she giggles. Annalise places the bottle on the counter a few moments later. "There. I think I covered every square inch of you."

"Thanks," I tell her, putting the gel in the refrigerator for when I'll most certainly need relief in a couple of hours. "You're lucky you got the Hawaiian genes."

She dramatically flips her hair. "Aren't I?"

"Don't rub it."

"Well, it's not my fault you got all of dad's whiteness."

I roll my eyes at her before slipping my shirt back on. "Hush up and go help Jin with the food."

"Okay, but if he starts yelling at Namjoon for how he cuts the carrots again, I'm leaving."


POV is third person.

Seokjin knocks on the doorframe of Namjoon's bedroom. He had left the door open to allow some cool air to blow in from the AC unit in the living room. Temperatures soared above thirty-five degrees today and it was almost unbearable inside his room. Even with it being ten o'clock at night, it's still fairly warm.

The younger man gazes up from his half-read novel. "What's up, Hyung?"

"Can we have another sleepover?" asks Seokjin. "We could do a movie night again."

"Sure," he agrees. "What do you want to watch?"

Seokjin takes a second to think about it. "Pet Sematary."

"You want to watch a horror movie?" Namjoon snickers. "There's a shock."

He shrugs. "I'm switching things up. I need to keep people on their toes."

Namjoon shakes his head at the eldest's ridiculousness as he sets his book on the side table. "Alright, we'll watch Pet Sematary. But if you smack me during the scary parts, I'm turning it off."

"Deal." Seokjin scampers into the room, closing the door behind him. He then plops down on Namjoon's bed. Namjoon fishes his laptop out of his bag before joining him. Typically, they'd cozy up beneath the covers; however, because of the heat, they lie on top of the comforter. Namjoon finds the newest adaptation of the movie and hits play.

Of course, Seokjin didn't hold up his end of the promise. At the first frightening scene, he grabbed Namjoon's bicep and squeezed it with all his might. It wasn't a smack per se, but it caused pain nonetheless.

"Ow," Namjoon winces. "I thought we had a deal."

"Oops." Seokjin releases his grip. "Please don't turn it off."

The sad look on his face is quite convincing. In fact, it's enough to make Namjoon disregard their pact. He resumes the movie, trying not to pay attention to the throbbing pain in his arm from Seokjin digging his fingernails into his skin.

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