What If...

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"Wilson," says Alex in a soft voice, gently shaking me awake, "it's time to get up."

A strident groan leaves my lips. "Don't you have a snooze button?"

"No, unfortunately, I don't," he chuckles airily. "Now, c'mon. Get your ass up. I'm tired."

Again, I groan while burying myself beneath the blanket. Alex continues to shake me, and he even starts jabbing me in the ribs at one point, but when that doesn't work, he resorts to plan B—dragging me off the couch by the ankles.

His movements are so swift that I don't even realize what's happening until I'm already on the floor.

"Why would you do that?!" I cry, rubbing my newly sore hip.

"Should've gotten up when I told you the first time."

I rise to my feet, muttering a few curses under my breath in the process. Alex immediately takes my place on the couch and cozies up beneath the covers. Once he's settled, he remarks, "I brought our luggage inside, so you can get ready before you go out, if you want."

"Who's gonna guard the house while you're sleeping and I'm getting ready, hm? Spider-man?"

"Oh, my god," he chortles, reminiscing on our spidey-sense conversation from hours earlier. "I set up the surveillance equipment already. So, if anything happens, we'll be alerted. But if you're still worried about it, I can watch the cameras until you get out there."

"Yeah, that's great, but it doesn't mean you're forgiven for that little wake-up stunt you pulled," I huff before lugging my suitcase into the bathroom, listening to Alex as he laughs to himself. I ignore him, though, and hop into the tub for a quick shower, trying my hardest to forget the fact that I'm back in this house. Reminding myself of why I'm here seems to work for the most part, but it only does so much for how uncomfortable I still feel about it.

After my shower, I send Beck a long text message detailing last night's events, as well as telling her that I love and miss her. She responds by the time I'm done getting ready, saying she, too, loves and misses me, and that she hopes things improve on my end.

Beck: Just think about how we'll be together again at the end of the month. 💕

Only thing getting me through this <3

Beck: I'll see you soon, my love.


"Mr. Jeon," I call out, pounding on his bedroom door, "it's almost 7:30, and we have to be at the company by eight."

All of the other members are currently sitting in the living room, ready to go. Meanwhile, Jungkook refuses to come out of his bedroom, and he won't respond to me either. He didn't even utter a single word when his fellow bandmates tried getting him to come out, too.

"Do you want me to break his door down?" I hear Seokjin ask from downstairs.

"I don't think that will be necessary, Mr. Kim," Alex replies, stifling a laugh.

"Mr. Jeon, we need to go. Now," I order.

No answer.

After trying and failing to get through to him for the last fifteen minutes, I rest my forehead against the door with a defeated sigh. I remain unmoving as I contemplate what to do or say next, but nothing comes to mind. That is, until I stop giving it so much thought and let the words flow naturally. "Listen, I know you want nothing to do with me, and, trust me, I get it. But please, just tell me if you're coming with us or not. You can even slip a note under the door if you don't want to physically speak to me."

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