little shit headcannons #1 | kenny omega

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♡ kenny omega being a little shit headcannons ♡

♡ this man is so so loving - platonically and romantically - and will make sure you don't forget it even during your darkest days.

♡ sometimes the way he makes you remember you're loved is through sweet, heart-warming gestures and sometimes, it's through him being a little shit.

♡ like any other person, you get bad days, right? maybe something triggered it, maybe you just woke up like that. anyways, this man will offer to read you to sleep and you think "oh that's nice." because he has a soothing voice and looks like he's into, or at least has a basic understanding of some classic literature like jane eyre, little women, and pride and prejudice and such (twilight too, let's not lie here, okay?). uh no. this man will read you manga.

♡ he gives every character different voices as well!!

♡ kenny didn't calm you down with his interesting choice of bedtime story, but it did make you laugh and feel better. like, it doesn't matter if you've never seen the manga or its anime adaptation before. you get so hooked into it because of how kenny presents it.

♡ let kenny read my hero academia to you. what a mess of voices. makes almight's voice really deep and regal-like, makes deku's voice a little higher, todoroki's reflect a calm he - nor you, honestly - did not feel, and makes bakugo's voice so raspy it makes him cough and reach for the glass of water on your bedside table - that was supposed to be for you - every time he does it.

♡ also if you guys live together or he visits a lot, he will put some of his anime action figures around the house.

♡ you're the sleepiest you've ever been, spent more than half the day running errands and doing your responsibilities. you're drifting off to sleep, eyelid about to close. you feel your conciousness leave your body as every second passes when bam! your eyes focus on something that's not supposed to be in your room and guess what it is? a demon slayer action figure, and not just any demon slayer action figure, kenny's demon slayer action figure.

♡ the toy was across the room from you, kind-of hidden behind your dresser. the thing that could be seen was the head of the figurine peeking out.

♡ with a yelp, you flail around in surprise and fall to the floor of your bedroom. kenny got a very aggravated call from you after that, threatening to break the damn thing.

♡ "don't you dare! it's innocent, [y/n]!

♡ needless to say, you didn't get any sleep that night, and needless to say, you told kenny that if he didn't stop, you would give them back. were you serious? not really. did kenny stop? also not really.

♡ kenny isn't really much of a prankster. he has the attitude that someone needs to be a good one - determination, patient, creative, just to name a few - but it really wasn't his thing. he's tried a few pranks before, like anyone else. he thought they were eh.

♡ that being said, he does enjoy playing pranks on you every now and then. usually when he discovers one that's too good to pass up.

♡ spoiler alert: you always find out before you get hit with it. why? he's so giggly. you could be doing nothing, nothing - nothing but him leading you to where the prank is, that is, but only he is supposed to know that - and he'd be giggly beside you. you'd be asking him what he found so funny, but he'd never verbally say. just shaking his head and pressing his reddened face on his shoulder, away from you.

♡ so when you walk into the room, you already expect the slime on the floor. you're able to duck when a squirt of something gooey heads your way -- and it hits tony smack dab in the face and kenny is wide-eyed beside you muttering apologies after apologies while your hardest not to laugh at your friend's expense.

♡ so yeah, kenny giggly. he's so giggly it's adorable. he will laugh at anything and everything. and sometimes, that sometimes leads him into trouble, and sometimes, he takes you with him.

♡ this man is the type of person who whenever he's in a mood, will laugh at something inappropriate. what's that? a serious moment he could not laugh at? yeah, he's stuffing his fist in his mouth and is currently doubled-over, thank you for checking on him. you look at him from other side of the table, eyebrow quirked in curiosity. based on the look in his eyes alone, you already know he's laughing at something he shouldn't be.

♡ his eyes meet yours and now you're both letting out hyena-like laughter. rip.

♡ kenny also has amazing comedic timing. it's usually the best when he's with you, matt, and nick. you all just bring out the best in him, comedic abilities included.

♡ unfortunately, this does include, your mom, that's what she said, and deez nuts jokes.

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