chapter 4

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A/n: the cat's out of the bag, and Yang is gonna behead Y/n.

A/n: the cat's out of the bag, and Yang is gonna behead Y/n

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Y/n had fallen asleep in the greenhouse. He woke up to the sun shining on his face.

Y/n: oh, did I pass out again?

Y/n looked at his wrist and saw a large amount of blood pooling next to him.

Y/n: that should be concerning.

Y/n went over to a table and pulled out a sewing kit. He then began stitching his wrist closed. Y/n then walked out after turning in the automated watering system.

While walking through the hallway Y/n hummed to the rhythm of his bell, then looked at his scroll.

Y/n: combat class? Maybe I could go check things out, compared to Victor.

**** timeskip brought to you by chibi Frigoris Lilly, swim in a red puddle ****

Ruby was sitting in class while, Glynda was talking combat.

Weiss: Ruby, you need to pay attention.

Ruby: what is she talking about?

Blake: are you thinking about your imaginary friend again?

Ruby: I've already told you. Y/n, not imaginary!

Yang: Ruby as your older sister, I'm starting to worry for you. He's not real. It's not like he's gonna walk through that door.

Suddenly the door creaked open and out from behind it was a boy with h/c tousled hair covering his face. As he walked, the bell around his neck, rang out through the room.

Blake is that...

Y/n walked towards Glynda who proved Blake's suspicion correct.

Glynda: ah, coming to class now?

Y/n only nodded, his bell ringing as he did so.

Glynda: well unfortunately your old set has been taking.

Y/n: oh, I won't be coming here enough to need one. So I'll just be in the support beams.

Y/n looked up to the ceiling and disappeared. In what took a second y/n was laying in the support beams.

Glynda: all right, now how wants to go first today?

???: I'd like to!

A boy wearing armor raised his hand gaining the attention of everyone.

Glynda: Mr. Winchester, and whom would you fight?

Y/n remember that his name was Cardin, and he pointed to Jaune who looked a bit frustrated about being picked. Jaune and Cardin stepped into the middle of the room brandishing their weapons.

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