(vol8) chapter 56

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A/n: a turning point.

A/n: a turning point

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Ironwood was looking out his window looking at the slowly disintegrating whale. Until his door was opened by a very upset Mary in a blood-red dress and loose hair.

Ironwood: Mary, I'm glad to see you awake.

Mary said nothing but placed a hand on his shoulder.

Mary: James...

Mary then clocked Ironwood in the face knocking him against his desk.

Mary: explain yourself this instant! Martial law, killing councilmen?! Caryll told me everything!

Ironwood recovered holding his chin and stood up and began talking.

Ironwood: I see there's no atrophy of the muscles. Yes, it is all true but I did this all to save Atlas.

Mary: was enslaving my underlying saving Atlas?!

Ironwood: he accepted in order to save you-

Mary: I would have rather died than watch him turn on his friends!

Ironwood: that same mentality is the reason why he is!

Mary: what...

Ironwood: during the attack on the whale, they were inside when it explodes, and they haven't been recovered.

Mary closed her eyes and looked down. Ironwood put a hand on her shoulder.

Ironwood: I know how you are feeling, but please help me save Atlas-

Mary's eyes opened her eyes showing them darker than usual and yanked his hand off.

Mary: you're lying he's alive! I can still sense him he's... *gasp*oh no!

Mary left Ironwood's office her boots clicking down the hallway.

Ironwood: there alive...

**** timeskip brought to you by Watts Savagery


The group was walking down the tunnel weapons trained on Emerald.

Yang: you want us to work with her!?

Oscar: I'm just saying it makes the most sense. We're all enemies of Salem including her.

A Rose's Curious helper( Ruby Rose x  male cat Faunus Reader )Where stories live. Discover now