(vol8) chapter 57

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A/n: volume 8 finally. this chapter is a reflection of the actual last episode.

 this chapter is a reflection of the actual last episode

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In the Von Ichor penthouse, Mary ran into her room and opened her drawer with two swords

In the Von Ichor penthouse, Mary ran into her room and opened her drawer with two swords

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Mary placed the swords on her hip and a black figure appeared behind her. Mary turned to sew nothing, she went back to grab ammo but in front of her was a helmet. Her eyes went wide and she slapped it away. Landing at the feet of shadowy figures.

Mary: no...no what did you do to him!?

The shadowy figure said nothing and flew towards Mary, making the screen black.

*** Atlas Academy ***

Penny flew down in front of winter. Ironwood readied his cannon.

Ironwood: to think you actually came alone. I expected some sort of resistance from your friends.

Penny: I don't want anyone else to die. I must open the vault.

Winter cuffed Penny's hands. Then pointed at her. Ironwood lowered his cannon and walked up to Penny.

Ironwood: you've done the right thing.

Penny: I have.

Penny turned into Emerald and revealed that the others tagged along weapons ready.

Emerald: it feels weird.

Ironwood: what-

Ironwood: what-

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