(vol9) chapter 59

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A/n: ah new character!!! Did you know that the Mad Chester is a play on the words of Cheshire, Hatter, and Jester?

A/n: ah new character!!! Did you know that the Mad Chester is a play on the words of Cheshire, Hatter, and Jester?

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Y/n?: who?

Rwby looked more confused at the cat whose pink and red feline eyes traced their every move.

Yang: uh Y/n Cheshire?

Ruby: crazy loveable cat guy?

Y/n?: * put thumb on chin* hmm...I'm awfully sorry but I'm only the latter not the former.

Blake: then who do you think you are?

This gained a chuckle from the cat as he flicked the rim of his hat with a grin.

Y/n?: through the valleys and over the hills and in the air my path is found, for I am he who walks by invisible and never makes a sound.

Weiss: that doesn't tell us anything...

Y/n?: and at the same time it tells you everything.

Yang got frustrated and stomped over to Y/n. And grabbed him by the coat.

Yangry: stop speaking in riddles and give us a straight answer!! If you aren't Y/n then who or what are you!?

Y/n? Was completely unbothered by this and completely disappeared. Yang then began falling forward until Y/n? grabbed her by the collar.

Y/n?: you may have noticed...that I'm not all there.

The flowers around began playing music around them.

A/n: Disney please don't sue me, you didn't use it.

Odd?: My head begins to jingle * jingle*  most every time I nod,
'cause obviously, quite obviously, I'm odd!

Pulls codfish out from the hat.

Odd?: Each Christmas I go fishing, to catch a Christmas cod
'cause obviously, quite obviously, I'm odd!

Begins to dance with flowers.

Odd?: When I was just a kitten, they said I'd be a gem
but now that I'm a Cheshire Cat, it's odd how odd I am.

A Rose's Curious helper( Ruby Rose x  male cat Faunus Reader )Where stories live. Discover now