(vol9) chapter 60

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A/n: birthday with a spoiled prince.

A/n: birthday with a spoiled prince

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Ruby was staring to come to, opening her eyes noticing she was in the lap of the Mad Chester, who was gently stroking her head.

Chester: hmm? Oh, you're awake!

This got the attention of Wby who approached the tree they were sitting under to avoid the rain.

Yang: Ruby! Are you ok?

Ruby got up with some help from the mad Chester.

Ruby: yeah...I guess.

Weiss: that's a relief.

Blake: the three of us figured out how to get out here. At the end of the story, Alex finds a way home through the tree.

Chester: mmh.

Weiss: so that's where heading, but while you were out, we tried finding a way there but...

Yang: we ended up back here. We aren't any closer to finding Crescent Rose either.

Chester: I tried to tell you the tree isn't a destination it's a journey.

Weiss: so why don't you just take us there then so we can leave this nightmare!

Chester: because that's not my purpose...you already have the key, I just show you the door.

Ruby's ears went silent only really looking at Penny's blade.

Ruby: Blake...what did Alex do next?

Everyone looked towards Ruby who was still looking at the blade as the weather began to clear.

Chester: no..not you too.

Ruby: I'm sorry...

Blake: she...she went to the crimson castle, and beat the red king at his own game.

Right on cue four red guards jumped out from bushes weapons at the ready.

Red guard: hands up! You treaSonous birthday ruiners!

Yang: ok.

Yang took a fighting stance making the guards flinch, but before things could go to blows Ruby spoke up.

A Rose's Curious helper( Ruby Rose x  male cat Faunus Reader )Where stories live. Discover now