(vol8) chapter 54

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A/n: Ironwood hates tables prove me wrong



The door to the Schnee manner where opened by Whitley, only to be met with a sword to his face.

Weiss: we're coming in.

Team RNDW along with Kisa and May.

Whitley: things are already bad enough after what you did to Father. now you want us to harbor fugitives too? Our family has a reputation.

Blake: that's what you're worried about? You're reputation?

Whitley: I'm just saying that we've already lost all the house staff, and Mother looked herself in her room!

Weiss: maybe you haven't figured it out yet Whitley, but we are trying to save Mantle and Atlas!

The siblings bumped heads and Ruby stepped between the two.

Ruby: look our friend is hurt. We just need a place to lay low while she rests and then we'll be out of-

Ruby stopped herself seeing a familiar bell hanging from Whitley's hip.

Ruby: where did you get that bell?

Whitley then held the bell away from her.

Whitley: a friend in your group gave it to me.

Whitley then took into account just how many were in the room. A lot of them were missing most concerning to him.

Whitley: where is he?

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Ironwood slammed his hand on his making Y/n flinch a bit. Ironwood pinched the bridge of his nose.

Ironwood: Bring Penny here is what I said. That should have been simple enough I thought, no it wasn't.

Y/n: James i-

Y/n couldn't finish as Ironwood had taken out his scroll, and Y/n held his collar waiting for a shock, but it never came.

Ironwood: we only have a few more hours until Salem attacks Mantle. Then a few more until she comes for Atlas... I have no choice.

A Rose's Curious helper( Ruby Rose x  male cat Faunus Reader )Where stories live. Discover now