(vol5) chapter 27

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A/n: I'd like to make a small bio for Y/n.

Name: Y/n Cheshire

He's doe-eyed with dull irises.

figure that shit out.

figure that shit out

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Finally making it to the city of Mistral our group looked at the horizon of the mountain city.

Finally making it to the city of Mistral our group looked at the horizon of the mountain city

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Ruby: Wow! This. Is. AWESOME!!

everyone walked through the city, making notes of vendors, architecture, and food. They eventually reached Mistral Academy. It was awfully empty for a school. They went to the main building and entered the very long hallway.

Ruby: hello? Anyone?

Despite her calls, no one answered them.

Nora: maybe try louder?

Ren: there doesn't seem to be anyone here.

Jaune: well, I guess school isn't really in session maybe that's it.

The hallway is way too quiet for Qrow who seems a bit bothered.

Qrow: no this isn't right, c'mon.

Qrow began running down the hallway soon to be followed by Rnjr. They grumbled pulled out their weapons waiting for whatever is beyond the door. The door opened showing a lion man who screamed making Rnjr scream. Qrow fell over losing his balance and The lion man had a small heart attack.

Ruby: uh professor Lionheart.

Lionheart regarding his composure looked at the group.

Lionheart: Qrow!? For crying out loud you nearly scared me to death.

Qrow: me? Why weren't you waiting for us at the entrance?

A Rose's Curious helper( Ruby Rose x  male cat Faunus Reader )Where stories live. Discover now