(vol5) chapter 29

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A/n: floating rocks

A/n: floating rocks

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Y/n was doing maintenance on his leg. While cleaning the shaft that held one of his knives he couldn't help but think about Ruby. What Weiss said was true, does Ruby hate him? The questions crept into his mind to the end, making him very anxious.

???: Mayday! Mayday! Where a small passenger flight and our Huntress is down! We aren't equipped to deal with this!

Y/n pulled out his scroll and looked seeing that they are in the range of another ship in distress.

???: the Grimm are 400 clicks north of the southern shoreline! Please get them off us!

Y/n closed his scroll and Grabbed and went to the ladder but Weiss was coming down with a sad face.

Y/n: why the long face?

Weiss Saud nothing, but it was enough for Y/n to know that they weren't gonna do anything.

Y/n: oh...

Weiss took a set next to him and slumped her head down.

Weiss: all we can really do is hope that someone else hurt the broadcast.

Y/n just looked down and the two sat, unable to do anything. Weiss thought of something to talk about.

Weiss: so...how is your aura?

Y/n: it's weird, the only thing I can really do is this.

Y/n removed his head from his neck and held it in his lap.

Y/n: I tried doing anything else, but all I seem to do is just flicker.

The two sat there until Weiss saw an island float pass. Y/n looked and saw the island and the duo was mesmerized. They went two the cockpit to see what was going on.

Weiss: where are we?

Pilot: nowhere good. Where passing through lake Matsu's floating islands. The gravity dust that forms here a giving us a little turbulence nothing I can't handle but they do tend to hide some nasty Grimm. I'm just betting that are friends I'm distressed about are keeping them occupied.

Y/n looked at the islands in all then saw a crashing airship.

Y/n: look out!

The pilot moved out of the way and the Airship crashed into an island.

Pilot: you've gotta be kidding me?!

The pilot turned on his radio and heard the person once again.

???: by the gods, we lost Percy! Please help!

Everyone looked out the window and saw that the ship that was in distress be destroyed. Y/n and Weiss looked in horror, the Lancer wasp looked at their ship.

A Rose's Curious helper( Ruby Rose x  male cat Faunus Reader )Where stories live. Discover now