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I am soo dumb...I skipped a whole episode and accidentally posted a part of a chapter that was meant to be posted later. Idk how it happened but I'm sorry. Also I have a 'work week' at school so I'm busy. Next chapter will only be on friday.

Kai's POV.

I walked around fast and from time to time helped my team. The ones that needed help the most were 10k and dad. Ironic isn't it?

I found a tall tree with a perfect view of the battlefield. I slung my sniper over my shoulder and took out two of my throwing knives. I slammed one in the tree trunk and pulled myself up doing the same with the other one but higher. Then I took out a third throwing knife and slammed in the tree trunk a bit higher and pulling out the lowest one. I did that until I found a safe branch. I took all my knives back and put them in their place.

I took out the rope that me and 10k both had cut in half so each of us would have some and tied one end of it to the branch while the other went around my ankle. As I propped myself I took my sniper again and aimed it. The fight had became pretty intense so I helped my team a bit.

The battle calmed down and as I was about to untie myself and get down I heard leave rustling close by. I stopped immediately and looked around. I kept quiet to not draw any attention to myself.

I saw something flash by in my peripheral vision and I turned my head that way to see what it was. I saw a figure flash between the trees so fast that I wasn't able to tell what it was. I thought that it must've been an animal so I returned to trying to get down.

I had tied one of the knots too tight so now I was struggling to untie it. I cursed audibly and as I pulled out my knife I heard someone run my way. I ignored it and kept trying to untie it. Then managed to loose my balance and I fell off the branch.

I pulled up my hands to cover my face just in case the branch or the rope snaps. Neither of them did and I was now hanging upside down from the branch. I cursed loudly as the rope burned my ankle. I cursed loudly and looked around.

There was a Z by the tree trunk and it was trying to reach me. It almost could grab me by my hanging hands so I pulled them up out of it's reach. I took my sniper and aimed it at it's head. As I shot it it fell to the ground but crawled away. Why the hell didn't it die?

I questioned myself as I heard voices. Before anyone could see me in this position I took one of my throwing knives and cut the rope near my ankle. That made me fall to the ground and land with a loud thud. The fall slammed the air out of my lungs and I laid there looking up at the sky.

I heard the people approaching me so I jumped up and grabbed the knife that I cut the rope with. I looked around and saw that it was the team. I sighed and relaxed.

As I straightened my position and put the knife away. I looked back up at my team and saw them stare at me then up above my head. I looked up too and guess what I saw? The rope I had cut just hanging there. This didn't look right.

I looked back down at my team. They all had worried faces. Especially dad. He had fear spread all across his face.

"This is not what it looks like." I said and raised my hands in defense. Dad then ran up to me and shook my shoulder.

"What were you thinking? Leaving me? Like I did to you?" He said with a tone that indicated that I'm in trouble.

"First of all: Ouch. Second of all no. I mean if you wanted a damn rotting bitch to eat my brain then I could've cut the rope earlier." I looked right into his eyes. He stopped shaking my shoulder and pulled me into a hug. I stiffened under his touch and I just stood there once again not knowing what to do.

Kai / 10k fanfic / ZnationWhere stories live. Discover now