You Are My Sunshine

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You are my sunshine
My only sunshine
You make me happy
When skies are gray
You'll never know dear
How much I love you
Please don't take my sunshine away

"Bucky, catch!" Steve yelled as Bucky walked into their apartment before running and launching himself at him.

Bucky caught Steve with ease, his tiny frame no match for Bucky. "Whoa there, sweetheart. I've only been gone a few hours." He laughed, holding Steve to his chest tightly as he kicked his shoes off.

"Yeah but I missed you. You're my love, I wanna be with you." He replied, placing a kiss on his cheek as Bucky took them to sit on the couch.

Bucky smiled and cuddled Steve like a teddy bear. "Mmm I love you." He hummed contentedly.

Steve kissed Bucky's lips, the pair entranced with each other. "I love you."

"Make me a promise?" He whispered softly into Steve's ear, tracing patterns on his back.

"Hmm?" He hummed.

"Never leave me?"

Steve smiled. "I would never. I'm with you till the end of the line."

The other night dear
As I lay sleeping
I dreamed I held you in my arms
When I awoke dear
I was mistaken
So I bowed my head and I cried

Bucky laid in bed awake at 3:30 am. He'd been trying to sleep for hours but it continued to elude him. He almost gave up and just got up, but decided to give counting backwards from 1,000 one more try. Somewhere around 440, he successfully fell asleep.

'Good morning, babe.' Steve greeted him, turning in his arms to face him. 'How long have you been awake?'

'Not long.' He smiled, tracing his finger softly along Steve's cheek.

Steve smiled at him happily, the pair lost in each other's eyes. They continued staring into each other's eyes lovingly for what felt like hours. Looking into Steve's eyes, Bucky could practically see the love he had for him and it made him feel secure. He felt at home.

Bucky woke up and instinctively reached towards Steve, who wasn't there anymore. His dream had been simply that: a dream. It had felt so real though that it briefly disoriented Bucky. It took him a moment to realize the love of his life wasn't beside him, he wasn't there to gaze into his eyes, he wasn't there to hold in his arms.

He tucked his head into the pillow and sobbed for the life that would never again be.

I've always loved you
And made you happy
And nothing else could come between
But now you've left me
To love another
You have shattered all of my dreams

"But-but I don't understand. Why are you going to stay back in time? We can...we're finally together again." Bucky asked, heart-broken at the news Captain America had just shared with him.

"We had our life together before the war, Buck. It was good but it's in the past. I've got this chance to have two loves in my lifetime and I'm going to take it." He tried to explain once more.

Bucky shook his head, refusing to allow himself to hear what was just said. "No that's not right. You-I....I've done nothing but love you. Not even brainwashing came between us; I literally remembered who I was because of you. And now that I'm free and the world is saved and we're in a time where it's acceptable to love another man, you're just going to leave?"

Steve sighed sadly. "I'm sorry, Buck." He moved to hug Bucky one last time but Bucky stepped away.

He stared into Steve's eyes once more and felt that the love that had always been there before seemed to be gone, replaced with indifference. He shook his head and turned away, hot tears streaming down his cheeks.

"You shattered all of my dreams." He whispered as he walked away from him for the last time.

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