Guess Who's Sick. Sick Again. Bucky's Sick. Tell A Friend.

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He wasn't sure when it had started, maybe the moment he woke up at the hotel. Bucky just didn't feel good. He didn't say anything about it though, it would pass. He'd be fine so why worry Steve when he was going to be driving?

The couple were road tripping back to New York from Florida. They'd gone to Disney World and neither was fond of flying for various reasons so they chose to make the 17 hour drive instead.

Now they were almost two hours into the drive, Steve behind the wheel while Bucky laid uncomfortably in the reclined passenger seat. He kept shifting, trying unsuccessfully to find a good way to go to sleep.

Steve was watching him out of the corner of his eye, not sure what to make of his husband's behavior. Was he upset or tired or just grumpy from being in the car? Or maybe all of the above? Or something else?

Bucky just felt, well, bad. His stomach hurt, he felt like throwing up, and his head ached. He couldn't figure out if he was hot or cold, switching between covering himself with a blanket and kicking it to the floorboards.

"Are you alright?" Steve finally asked, turning down the volume of the road trip playlist they'd allowed the other Avengers to create for them (which, surprisingly, didn't totally suck).

"Mmmph." He groaned, throwing the blanket off of himself once again and pressing his palms to his eyes. "No."

"What's wrong?" He watched as Bucky used the lever to pull the back of his seat upright, sitting up now.

He leaned against the window and closed his eyes, the cool glass nice against his aching head. "I feel like crap."

Now Steve was alarmed. "What's the matter? What hurts?" He split his focus between the road and his husband.

"My head hurts, I feel like I'm going to throw up, there's something trying to claw it's way through my stomach, and I keep switching from feeling like I'm in the tundra to feeling like I'm in Satan's ballsack." He explained, squeezing his eyes tighter as a new wave of nausea washed over him.

"That was very descriptive. You really have a way with words." Steve teased lightheartedly before getting serious again. "Hold on, I'm going to pull off at the rest stop in a mile."

Once the car was parked in the parking lot, Steve got out and circled the car to open Bucky's door. As soon as he did, Bucky threw up on the ground and Steve's feet.

"Fuck. I'm sorry." He breathed heavily, his face red from the embarrassment of literally throwing up on his husband.

"No, hey it's alright. I needed new shoes anyway." He gave him a soft smile, placing his hands on his cheeks. "You're really warm; you've definitely got a fever. How long have you been feeling sick?"

"I don't know, since I woke up?" He shrugged, leaning into Steve's touch.

"Honey I wish you would've told me. We could've stayed at the resort until you felt better." He kept one hand on Bucky's cheek and ran the other through his hair comfortingly.

"You just wanted to go back and ride Toy Story Mania again." He made a weak attempt at a joke.

"Yeah, you got me." Steve smiled. "You gonna throw up again?"

Bucky shook his head slightly. "I don't think so. Not right now."

"Okay then I'm going to go throw these shoes away real quick. Hold on." He stepped away and took his shoes and socks off before carefully picking them up and tossing them in a nearby trash bin.

He returned a moment later in his bare feet and opened the trunk. He collected a few things before returning to Bucky's door, careful not to step in the sick.

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