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Su Wei received the news two days later. This is what LEE and Lianka secretly told him on the phone.

    Lianka was very worried at first: "Coyle, who did you offend? The whole H's The first model was privately rumored that you would be disqualified from the tournament." With the wind, MR. Fulian-Chen directly fired the two tongue-tied staff members, and also clarified in person at the preparatory meeting that the matter was purely non-existent."

    LEE also called later. He was more direct than Lianka, saying that if Su Wei was disqualified from the qualifying due to his modification design, he would definitely sue H's The first model for damage to his reputation. support him. .Of course, since the matter has now been resolved, it has been proved that only a few unsuccessful contestants are secretly jealous, and he still reserves the right to hold the rumor makers accountable.

    Su Wei's heart warmed and comforted LEE a few words. LEE has also been implicated this time. This is probably because the people behind the scenes want to kill two birds with one stone, increase their deterrence, and make everyone avoid them.

    As for what they said, it was just that some people were spreading rumors, but Su Wei didn't believe it at all. After all, he is also a person who has been in the entertainment industry. This method is really vulgar.

    As for those who were dissatisfied with him, Su Wei smiled coldly. Of course, there is eyeliner in H's The first model. When I see the news of him qualifying, I will jump with anger, and I can't wait to step on his black lotus flower.

.As for whether He Yang would feel a burning pain in his face when he found out, that was not what he had the energy to pay attention to at the moment.

    After all, he was galloping down the straight avenue at the moment, heading for SD's headquarters building.

    For SD so eager to ask him to go to SD's internal professional studio to shoot Tahitian Tahitian black pearls, the assistant was quite critical along the way.

    "Brother Chen, although SD is very powerful, but because they change the time at will, I have to help you reject the advertising endorsements of Sasa and joty. Although Sasa and joty are not as good as SD, they are considered to be the leaders of light luxury. Show brand, the upward momentum is very strong. Just for the endorsement fee, 7 million was finalized, and it was revealed in private that it could be 'negotiable'. You see, it is a pity that this is 100% sincerity. If you don't go, they have to settle for someone else. "

    Su Wei was very calm, "We promised SD first, and this is MR. Fulian-Chen's care for us, and we should meet any conditions for SD."

    "But SD also suddenly changed the way of cooperation, saying that it would temporarily add a little content. Brother Chen, you don't know that many times these big names are not easy to serve, and they may break the contract if they don't agree. We haven't signed a formal contract with the other party yet. It's us who suffer at the time."

    Su Wei frowned slightly. The other party didn't say too much detail on the phone, only vague until today that he will try to take a few hard photos. There may be some special conditions, and I hope that I will cooperate and so on.

    The two went to the lobby of the building. The 108-story twin towers are magnificent, and the façades of tempered glass and special metals are very fashionable.

.Fulian-Chen was already waiting in the hall, next to a tall man with a beard and tousled hair. Fulian-Chen also received a notification from SD, but he didn't ask his friend what was going on. When he saw Su Wei coming, he immediately greeted him, comforted him with a few words of encouragement, and told him that he was the best.

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