3. Umbitch

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Lunch had ended quickly while the twins and I said our goodbyes. I walked up the staircase to the defense against the dark arts classroom getting some help with directions from George after he begged to help me because i took 3 wrong turns in the span of 2 minutes.

a few other students were already there as I made my way in, Somehow professor Umbridge, or now known as professor umbitch had beaten us here as she sat down at her desk in the front of the room, with a blank blackboard behind her.

of all the classrooms this one had to be my favorite appearance-wise, it had tall thin windows going from the floor to the ceiling then a staircase that went, I'm guessing is her office. there were 2 chandeliers hanging from the ceiling along with several archways, similar to the potions classroom.

I spotted Theo across the classroom as I made my way to a seat. I decided to sit with him giving him a warm smile as I sat down which he returned.

"Well, good afternoon!" Umbridge spoke cheerfully once the whole class had arrived.

a few mumbled good afternoons were heard across the classroom. "tut-tut" said Professor Umbridge. "that won't do, now, will it? I should like you to please reply 'good afternoon professor Umbridge one more time please, good afternoon class!"

"good afternoon" we chanted back. "there now that wasn't too difficult now was it?"

"yes, yes it was" I mumbled over to Theo who tried to keep his laugh in.

"wands away and quills out, please," she said in the fakest sweet-sounding voice I think I have ever heard. I looked at theo with my brows furrowed trying to understand why we wouldn't be using our wands.

I reached into my bag reluctantly grabbing my favorite quill along with ink and parchment.

Umbridge grabbed her own wand which definitely resembled her look, short and pink. she started waving her wand about as words were scribbled onto the formerly empty blackboard.

Defense against the dark arts, a return to basic principles.

"well now, your teaching in this subject has been rather disrupted and fragmented, hasn't it?" she spoke as she turned around to face us. "the constant changing of teachers, many of whom do not seem to have followed ministry approved curriculum, has unfortunately resulted in your being far below the standard we would expect to see in your O.W.L year.

"you will be pleased to know however that these problems are now to be ratified. we will be following a carefully structured, theory-centered, ministry-approved course of defensive magic this year. copy down the following please. " she waved her wand again as the previous wording on the board turned into something new.

course aims:

Understanding the principles underlying defensive magic

Learning to recognize situations in which defensive magic can legally be used.

Placing the use of defensive magic in a context for practical use.

I scribbled down the course aims quickly causing the words to be slightly off-center. after there was no scribbling left to be heard she continued. "has everyone got their copy of defensive magical theory by Wilbert Slinkard?"  there was a dull murmur of agreement throughout the classroom.

"I think we ought to try that again, when I ask you a question I should like you to reply. 'yes professor Umbridge or 'no professor Umbridge.' so has everyone got their copy of defensive magical theory by Wilbert Slinkard?"

"yes professor Umbridge" rang throughout the room. "good," said Umbridge.

"I should like you to go to page five and read chapter one, 'basics for beginners' there will be no need to talk."

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now