32. September 1st... again? (Under editing)

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This is a flashback chapter written in 3rd person (i think, I don't usually write like this.) and follows George's thoughts and feelings. it is not necessary to read this chapter but I highly recommend it, it reveals/hints at something that I have already hinted at before, it's just more noticeable here. the next chapter will leave off from where the last did.

Fred and George Weasley burst out laughing at the scene, their younger sister, Ginny Weasley had been hit by a floating trunk before tumbling down the stairs. She was laughing now too. All of their faces froze as Mrs. Weasley's shrill voice screamed out at them.



Fred and George glanced at each other and then at their sister before quietly giggling while their mother prepared all of the trunks, they all stood at the front of number 12 Grimmauld place preparing to leave to platform 9 3/4 to catch the Hogwarts express. This year would be the twin's 7th and final year at Hogwarts, they didn't want to go.

"Did you see mum's face?" George sniggered looking at his brother.

"Red as a tomato, or the Hogwarts express, both match." Fred sighed.

"I would compare to something else but she might kill me" Ginny Weasley appeared at their sides and they both snorted holding in their laughter.

"no music today" Fred and ginny hummed listening around the house giving his brother an I told you so look.

"that's odd, it usually started around now" George furrowed his brows, "anyway- oi!" he grumbled looking down at his foot. "the bloody hell was that?" the fiery-haired boy glanced around at the group in front of them, the only thing to be seen was a raven haired boy trailing off to the kitchen. odd, George thought before returning to his family.

"What's wrong with you?" Fred mumbled as the group walked out of the house.

"Someone- something stepped on my foot..." George said slowly looking back at the entrance where Harry trailed out followed by a black shaggy dog. Sirius.

The walk to Platform 9 3/4 wasn't very long, it only took around 20 minutes due to the large group being so close to the center of London this didn't stop Fred grumbling as he held his side "being locked up in that house all summer has terribly affected my body strength, I'm out of breath! From walking!"

George snorted "I'm the more athletic twin and we know it"

"That's likely" Fred grumbled again as The group of students and a few parents walked along. Where was professor lupin? George thought looking around, lupin was supposed to be with them. He wasn't.

"I hope Quidditch is back up this year" George sighed while waiting in line to go through the platform. "Was dying to play all last year"

"I mean unless they are doing another Triwizard tournament then I would assume so-"

"We never figured out who Diggory was writing to?" George remembered, George didn't know Cedric Diggory that well but his death was still a painful thing to talk about so when he did if he did he tried to make it as casual as possible to ignore that slight pain.

"Oh yeah, always had his nose in a letter or sat there writing one." Fred smiled before running into the bustling Hogwarts express platform.

"I bet it was a lovely lady" George laughed

"Nah he was with Chang, couldn't have been, He doesn't seem like the type of bloke to cheat," Fred said

"Yea fair point." George nodded as he loaded his trunk into the compartment.

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now