8. Malfoy

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the weekend came to an end quicker than wanted with the news of Delores Umbridge officially named high inquisitor.

"Please tell me people don't actually believe that frog is doing good for the school?" I state slamming the daily profit onto the table almost spilling Georges's cereal. things with George and I have been a little tense recently after what happened in the courtyard.

"leave my cereal out of your rage, it already tastes like toothpaste due to this stupid leaf!" he huffed "I can't even enjoy it"

"oh stop being such a baby" I roll my eyes

"what did I do?" George huffed

"I'm sorry" I groan "just, merlin I don't know"

"if you can try to explain it I can try to listen." he pushed his cereal forward giving him enough space to rest his head on the table, looking up at me wiggling his eyebrows "c'mon black, tell the most handsome twin your secrets"

I rolled my eyes with a smile "I'm stressed, I have all this homework from literally everyone, I have quidditch practices for a game that's literally 2 months away and I just" I put my head on the table "what do I do" my voice became muffled groaning into the table.

"We could go for a walk after school today? maybe clear your head or we could have a picnic in the sun before it's cold, or i dont know I can think of other activities?" He smirked with raised eyebrows.

"Are you asking me out, Weasley?" I tease

"what? no, I was just! no!" he panicked "that's not what i-" his cocky manor quickly vanished as his fave went terribly red.

"I was playing with you, and even if I wanted to do that I can't, I have to give one-on-one quidditch lessons later," I say empathetically.

"Oh so you were thinking of the other thinks?" He winked

"George Fabian Weasley get those naughty thoughts out of your head" I whacked him in the back.

"Anyway" he smiled "to whom are you giving these lessons to?"

"Malfoy" I sigh

"Why on earth are you helping that?" He looked utterly disgusted "please tell me you are joking, that ugly little ferret your helping-"

"he is on my team remember" I interrupted "I want to win if that wasn't clear." I push his head playfully

"ok fair, but good luck with him." He shuddered

"thank you, ill need it." I smile at him letting my gaze linger for a moment or two watching him ruffle his hair slightly.

"oh uh, that's the bell" I broke my gaze as the bell rung signaling for us to head to class.

"ill see you at lunch." I hummed giving him a slight hug before parting ways.

I had been confused ever since theo accused George of having a crush on me, which was completely false. George and I were friends and nothing more. I had no feelings for George and I could confirm he didn't either, I think he likes Angelina johnson anyways, well Fred or him does. Either way I wanted them to be happy and I was certain it wouldn't be with me.

What's so special about her? the cruel thought came through my mind even if I didn't like it causing me to make a face of disappointment. i was never a cruel person and I certainly didn't want to start becoming one, yes I could punch a bloke for being a bully but i dont view That as cruel.

I pushed those thoughts away trying to think of what I wanted to do to help Malfoy with seeking. my initial plan was to bewitch the snitch and make him try to catch it as much as possible within the hour but after thinking I thought it wasn't the best idea, but to be fair I couldn't think of anything else so I decided that would have to work for now. and it would work, just I don't think it would be as quick.

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