35. The Party

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Disclaimer: so in this chapter things get slightly spicy (similar stuff to the chapter on valentines day) + there is underage drinking.
also, some of the songs I will use in this chapter aren't from the right time frame (as in are from after 1996) so if you see a song that is clearly from the early 2000s or early 2010s please, just don't question it.
I would like to add that Rosalie cannot get drunk, though this hasn't been explained why... yet, she can't, so anything she does while drinking she is completely herself. Enjoy!

"ok I can do this, I can do this" I paced back and forth in the locker room on Saturday morning listening to the booming crowds of people outside. The Slytherin team had gained the favor of the other houses within the past few weeks and me becoming captain spread like wildfire through the school only making the supporters grow. I'm flattered but now I'm insanely nervous. "Nope I can't do this"

"you're going to do great Rosalie," Blaise said kindly placing his hand on my shoulder. "I mean you have a wickedly handsome co-captain by your side!"

"Thanks, Blaise" I mumbled with a small grin. "ok but if we lose everyone's going to blame me like 'oh they lost cause Rosalie's captain' I'm so nervous" I groaned falling onto a bench.

"oh come on Rosalie" Adrian smiled sitting beside me, I let myself fall over so my knees were curled up in a ball to my chest and my head was in Adrian's lap. "you're a great player, and you have natural killer instincts, you just need to stop being such a nervous nelly."

"easier said than done!" I retorted as Theo came over.

"oh, merlin what have I done," Theo said tiredly "come on hon, I didn't make you captain for you to become all nervous and scared, wheres's my badass best friend who beat Malfoy over there to a pulp!" Theo cheered shaking my shoulders slightly as I stood up.

I smiled proudly remembering the day, but Draco merely flinched with a whimper thinking I was coming at him again, "Rosalie you are a great leader, and great player, you need to shapen up, or I'm going to throttle you"

"I will refuse to throw you the quaffle if you don't calm down, Rosalie" Blaise threatened

"You can do it, Rosalie, it's like any other game, you just have more authority now." Adrian smiled

"FINE!" I yelled grabbing my firebolt and heading for the pitch exit where our little game plan room as I would call it, was set up for us.

 "Alright!" I said loudly grabbing the attention of everyone., I didn't know really what I was about to do but oh well. "Hufflepuff is good, I mean we all rooted for them because of it, but I believe we are better... I'm not the speech type of person but all I really need to say is," I took a deep breath before shouting.

"IF YOU DONT FUCKING BEAT THE SHIT OUT OF HUFFLEPUFF, THEN WE HAVE NO SHOT AT PLAYING AGINST GRYFFINDOR FOR THE CUP AND THAT MEANS WE ALLOWED THOSE LITTLE LION PRICKS TO WIN!" almost everyone's eyes widened at my sudden burst of words. "sorry bout that but its true, now are you guys ready or what!?"

"we're ready!" they all chorused back, either out of respect or pure fear, either way, I was thankful.

"Well, what are you waiting for? GO!" I pushed them all out the door shaking off my nerves as I did so. Fake it until you make it, I kept repeating in my head.

"yes, ma'am" Theo, Blaise, and Adrian all said together making me laugh. it felt odd walking out first, I was always behind Theo when we walked out but now I was leading, Blaise was right behind me followed by the rest of the team.

"And here comes the Slytherins! Previous Captain Theodore Nott has passed down the mantle of captain to Captain Rosalie Black! now joined with her co-captain Blaise Zabini!" Lee's voice roared over the stadium. "and following we have, Pucey, Nott, Paisley, Montague, and Malfoy!"

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now