30. Eavesdropping Werewolves

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Dear Remus,

               We won the quidditch match against Ravenclaw yesterday, this puts us at number 1 with points in the quidditch cup! we beat Ravenclaw 390 to 230 and that's with them catching the snitch! I miss you bunches and I can't wait until the easter holidays to see you again, I have also finished my detentions with Umbridge, and I'm working very hard to prepare for my O.W.Ls and to win the quidditch cup. duh. Fred and George are little pains, both of them were banned from quidditch so now they observe every practice we have out of boredom, I think it's funny. I'm growing closer with most of the team, all except Malfoy. Montague has become less of a prick which is lovely, though he still is very far off from being a friend, I don't like blood supremacists. Anyway, I hope the full moon next week goes alright and you get through it ok. 

                                               -Love Ro.

I sighed as I walked back from the owlery, the past week has been a flurry of school work then quidditch practice, then maybe 30 minutes with My darling twins, it felt like I had no time with them.

I passed many students on my way back through the castle, it was Sunday evening and everyone was sitting with friends and enjoying the new approaching warm weather, while I was trying to keep myself awake. I hadn't slept much for over a week, I mean I got an hour or 2 but nowhere near as much as I needed. I was too scared I would enter someone's mind again. 

I stuffed my hands into my pockets, it was far too cold right now to be walking about, and the Slytherin common room didn't seem like much fun either. The one place I knew I would feel comfortable was the Gryffindor common room, the only problem was I don't have the password anymore... I don't even know if I'm allowed in there anymore.

Deciding to go there anyway, I headed off for Gryffindor tower. I took a shortcut that I had recently discovered, it took a curve around the corridor to the dungeons but at the back was a large spiral staircase that led to Gryffindor tower.

the castle wasn't quite like it usually was in the evening, I could hear music players playing down the corridors, people talking and running around acting like fools. it was a calming atmosphere. I smiled to myself thinking of the little first years creating nicknames so they can freely talk about people they fancy, the 2nd years thinking they're the shit now cause they grew and year, and those poor 7th years most likely just absolutely done with all of this.

my thoughts were so rudely interrupted by a body crashing into mine. "ugh" I groaned falling down on my butt, I looked up to see the source, it was none other than Mr. Jordan himself. "oi! lee! help a lady out will ya?" I asked smiling up at him with a raised hand.

Lee however did not return the smile, well he did but not a genuine smile, he did help me up though. "sorry Rosalie" he said solemnly 

"what were you doing in the dungeons?" I asked nodding to where he came from. "last I checked you live in a tower." I smiled walking with him as he started going back to Gryffindor tower.

"er- nothing, I was just walking about the castle." he didn't look at me.

"oh yes 'cause walking around the castle makes you that upset" I scoffed looping my arm in his, for the first time a slight smile spread across his face.

"I don't feel like talking about it, sorry if I seem down the last week, just personal stuff." he locked his arm around mine as I did his. "are you going to Gryffindor tower?" he asked changing the subject.

"yea, I don't feel like going to the Slytherin common room, one, it's too far, two, it's too cold." I shuddered slightly.

"fair reasons" lee smiled as we made our way to Penelope's portrait. She was trying to impress us with her singing, I don't know if you could really call it singing... it was awful.

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