49. Free Fall

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Well, it had been a week since my little exploration of the castle, and in that week I had received a total of one hundred and thirty-two letters, eight howlers, and an entire bouquet of flowers from George. He was getting desperate, and so was I honestly.

The first howler came to me on Monday morning in the great hall and said in a very loud version of George's voice, "Rosalie I'm sorry, please just answer my letters!" Or simply "IM GOING INSANE"

I still hadn't responded, and I wasn't planning on doing so any time soon, no matter how much I wanted to deep down. I had always been known to be petty or to hold grudges and I kept those petty grudges close to my heart.

We had a Hogsmeade weekend in two weeks, he could wait until then, but for now, I was preparing for the quidditch final against Gryffindor which took place in approximately three hours and twenty-four minutes.

"Rosalie, you do realize how much time you have left right?" Danielle asked from the side of the bed where she was flipping through a magazine.

"Yes im aware, I just want to go down to the pitch early and prepare. Theo and I started this one move where I do this big fall back in September that we stopped trying before Christmas but I feel like it might come in handy today so I'm just really stressed-"

"Rosalie you're rambling," Audrey said softly "you need to calm your mind and realize that everything is going to be fine"

"Everything isn't going to be fine!" I whined feeling jade purring against me, she had been very sad since Fred left.

"And why is that?" She asked sitting beside me and reaching out for the purring cat on my lap.

"Well- because... because-" why was I so upset? I had been feeling horrible ever sense I had gotten home from the Easter holidays and it's only gotten worse since George left.

"You miss your boyfriend?" Danielle guessed closing her magazine and coming to join me on the other side of my bed.

"Yes!" I finally admitted letting my head fall into my hands in a frustrated sigh "I just wanted to finish this year with him here but he didn't! And I know he wanted to start his business and it's his dream but could he truly not have waited two months? I know I'm being selfish and petty but I just-"

"You didn't want your boyfriend to leave two months earlier than he was supposed to? It was already his last year here and he left two months early! Of course, you're upset Rosalie" Danielle laughed pulling me into her embrace "it's not weird to feel sad about that"

"I still feel like I'm being selfish" I frowned playing with one of my strands of hair, there was something I could do to make myself feel better though. "Will you do my hair? It always makes me feel prettier somehow"

"Of course, I can" Danielle smiled giving me one last squeeze and kissing Audrey on the cheek. "Let me find my Green ribbon real quick"

"She's too good to us" Audrey sighed looking at Danielle adoringly

"She truly is" I agreed while fumbling with my hands, "I'm really nervous, I've been captain for one game but this is the final, and it's terrifying!"

"If it makes you feel any better, Gryffindor has sucked recently, I mean really sucked" Audrey shrugged guiding me over to the vanity chair.

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now