34. Its My Fault (under editing)

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(this is one of the chapters I had already finished but needed edited)

The next week went by in a blur, Gryffindor lost the quidditch match against Hufflepuff in a very embarrassing fashion which made me feel genuine sympathy for the entire team. Fred and George even stated they wish they were supporting Hufflepuff instead of Gryffindor. I was proudly wearing a Hufflepuff scarf for that match.

Classes were a constant cycle sending me to the library every night with stacks and stacks of homework but I never fell behind, if anything I was doing better than I had the entire year, i guess that's a plus.

Quidditch practice was almost every day as we practiced back to back with the Gryffindors and even had to split the field one day due to a miscommunication. Our team was doing better and better by the day, Theo had no doubt we would win next week against Hufflepuff.

Legilimency lessons have been going very well, I had been able to enter Snape's mind so easily during our last lesson he has now started to fight me off with Occlumency. I could still see blurry images though, nothing else sadly.

Remus had written a few times during the last week, but Sirius couldn't due to Umbridge. I still had the wolfsbane potion hidden under my bed along with the stronger prototype, I wasn't going to risk sending them by owl in case Professor Umbridge decided to interfere.

We were approaching our next D.A. Meeting where Harry was still hoping to find a boggart, I had a hunch of where one might be but I still haven't gone to retrieve it. a part of me didn't want to retrieve it, because I didn't want to face it, I had plenty of nightmares it could take the form of.

Stress was all I felt recently, so sitting by the whomping willow truly was my only escape. Nobody even tried to get close to me due to Fred trying the other day and getting whacked in the face by a branch. He was in the hospital wing for a few hours.

I smiled at the memory before continuing on with my astronomy Essay, we were assigned another star-based one. without fail I chose regulus, I was beginning to wonder if the teacher would become suspicious about it, but she never did.

Fred and George were always fun company to have around but even they have stressed me out more than I would like to admit in recent hours. They are planning something big but still haven't told me about it, I worry that they will get expelled for some things but hopefully they have the sense not to.

George had learned a way to be near me while I was under the whomping willow, though he usually looked like a small bird when he did so. He would sit happily perched on my shoulder occasionally pecking my ear with his beak just to annoy me. Today was one of those days.

"George Fabian Weasley!" I hissed snapping my head over to the bird causing him to peck right under my eye. "I will feed you to Lee," I said through gritted teeth. "I am trying to study!" If birds could laugh, I promise you he was doing it.

I groaned out in frustration at the stupid little bird version of George, before quickly turning my head to see professor McGonagall watching me from out of the tree's wingspan, I gulped. "Miss Black." She said firmly with the smallest of smiles on her face, oh shit she knows. "Mr. Weasley." She nodded to the small little bird who flew happily over to perch on her shoulder.

"It's like the  70's all over again..." she sighed exasperatedly making my eyes go wide "Professor Snape would like to see you."

"Alright," I muttered stuffing my bag with my essay and quills before walking over to the stern Professor. "Er- professor?"

"Yes, Miss Black?"

"How did you- how did you know...?" I nodded to George who had landed on top of my head now pecking my scalp. I shot him a murderous glance and he stopped.

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now