43. The Guitar and Truth

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rosalie writes and plays songs as we all know so just to refresh your memories here are what each song sounds like for each person shes written one for. all of these are piano covers obviously.

Bella's Song: Roslyn - Bon Iver & St. Vincent

Cedric's Song: To build a home - The Cinematic Orchestra 

Regulus's Song: Lovely - Billie Eillish

"Do you have to leave school for easter?" George groaned with a playful smile pulling me into his arms on the empty and chilly platform. "I wanted to spend the break with you, a week where you aren't stressed about Umbridge or your bloody O.W.L.s" 

"Well, I promised Mr. and Mrs. Diggory I would visit them over the break George" I kissed his lips gently as the breeze blew around us.

"cant you like... uh, ok I have no ideas but maybe we could-" George tried to talk but I placed my finger over his lips shutting him up with a blushing grin.

"why didn't you write down you were going home for the holidays, then you could've gone with me" I laughed "ever thought of that?"

"I'm an idiot."

"I know" I giggled kissing him one last time. "you can owl me, and it's literally only a week George, I think you can manage."

"no, I really cannot manage" he sighed dramatically as the train whistled and Adrian's head poked around the corner of the door. 

"oi! can you hurry it up with all the lovey-dovey stuff pretty please?" Adrian tapped his imaginary watch with a grin "I love the boy, but Theo is driving me insane in here."

"yeah I'm coming Adrian," I said quickly before returning my attention to George. "I love you, It's only one week, get a damn grip, and I will write as soon as I'm back home." 

"you better" he smiled squeezing my hand and letting go as I stepped on the train. 

"you're forgetting something" I reminded with a raised brow as the train slowly began to move.

"I love you too, Rose" he waved with a childish grin as the train picked up the pace, it wasn't until George was a blurry dot that I continued my way inside the train and into the compartment with Theo and Adrian, who appeared to be about to lose his mind.

"ok, ok, listen to this one" Theo started with a giddy grin "what type of underwear do clouds wear?"

"I don't care" Adrian grumbled putting his head between his legs mumbling swear words. 

"Thunderwear!" Theo giggled making me snort at the stupidity of his joke. 

"Rosalie!" Adrian cheered "oh my Salazar you're here, I was about to go bloody insane, entertain him please!" Adrian was now begging as he lay in his seat covering his ears.

"oh, he's not that bad!" I laughed plopping down beside Theo who simply shrugged and settled himself in a laying position as well. his head rested in my lap and his knees were curled into his chest as he fiddled with his fingers looking out the window. "Adrian, apologize, you hurt his feelings"

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now