5. 16th Birthday

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the next few days passed by quickly, lessons, homework, detention. that cycle repeated every day like clockwork, I would go to all my lessons, study in the library with George for an hour then head my way to professor Umbridge.

I kept what Umbridge did in those detentions to myself nobody knew other than harry and I noticed he wasn't speaking up either, both of us let our pride get in the way of speaking up. I would still have a scar even after the healing balm, harry thanked me the morning after he had received my gift and I noticed his etching was healed up to a small scratch, thankful he wasn't injured I gave him a half hug and went on my day. 

Friday morning was cool and breezy, autumn was approaching fast but what was approaching even faster was my 16th birthday Saturday. I hadn't told anyone about my birthday due to it never being a topic of conversation and I didn't see it necessary to say so.

I got out of bed earlier than usual wanting to mail a letter to Remus and one to Sirius before lessons began that day, the letter talked about my first week of term and how everything had gone, but I made sure to leave the part about Umbridge out of it but I had one last request from Remus, and that was a book on amaranthine witches, I was a naturally curious person and when I find something that piques my interest it doesn't go away.

I got up to get myself ready for the day, we had another care of magical creatures lesson today along with divination, by far in my top 3 favorite classes, the first being potions, surprisingly. I had gotten used to tying a tie in my week at Hogwarts, we didn't wear them at ilvermorny, just our robes and a pin stating our house. I was a proud thunderbird.

I grabbed the two letters, one titled Remus and the other Padfoot, I made sure not to wake my roommates, Danielle, and Audrey as I left the room making my way to the owlery, I noticed I was a natural early riser and always beat the others to it.

the castle was cold and dark only having the fire-lit torches for light, I had to figure out how to get to the owlery where I had never been there before but a kind portrait gave me some useful; directions, I found myself asking them for directions a lot. I made it to the owlery in no time.

I looked all around seeing multiple different breeds and colors of owls sitting on their little perches with exits for them to fly out of, droppings were all over the floor but it didn't stink, I assumed this was done with magic.

I found one that looked strong enough to make it to London and back so I tied my two letters to his leg and told him to take the letters to Remus Lupin in London.

I watched the owl fly away all the way until it was a small speck among the mountains. The owl should make it to London and back by Sunday morning, but Remus had his own owl so if he wanted to send any birthday wishes tomorrow he would be able.

after the owl was out of sight I made my way down to the great hall where breakfast would be served in 30 minutes, I had been arriving early for breakfast the past few days wanting to be here and take my seat before a group of 7th-year Gryffindor girls gave me the side-eye while I sat down, I don't know what I had done to upset them so but either way, they weren't big fans of me.

I sat at the Gryffindor table reading my book on herbology after my first lesson yesterday and having my second of the week today. due to my years at ilvermorny which were a bit more advanced, Fridays I only had 2 classes, herbology in the morning and astronomy in the evening, meaning Umbridge would have to let me out an hour early.

Fred and George walked in taking their usual seats on either side of me as I grabbed a bowl of oatmeal.

"how on earth you eat that, I will never know," said Fred in a disgusted tone

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