28. Wolfsbane

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"fucking Christ" I groaned holding my hand using a wall for support, I was let out a little earlier than before which I was very happy about, except now prefects would still be on their rounds, and I don't think they are aware of my special privileges.

I walked my way down the corridors to the hospital wing, which just had to be on the other side of the castle, I didn't have to worry about filch at least but it was still terrifying to think about being caught. "I'm going to burn this bloody place to the ground if I ever get another detention" I mumbled, Fred and George can do whatever the hell they want but I will have no involvement, I can't take this any longer. 

I had finally made my way to the last corridor before the hospital wing where my long waited relief was waiting when I heard the shrill sound of Draco fucking Malfoys voice. "Oi!" he yelled "what are you doing out of bed-" he stopped dead in his tracks when I turned to look at him, he hadn't expected to see me, and the last time he really did was when I was beating him bloody.

"I have permission Draco, leave me alone" I grumbled before continuing on my way clutching my bleeding hand.

"why are you dripping blood?" he asked, the fear hadn't left his voice. 

"Draco I will break your ribs again if you don't leave me alone god dammit!" I yelled slightly louder than I meant to. "I've had 3 weeks' worth of detentions with that Umbridge woman, I almost died because of it, and I'm just trying to make my way to the stupid hospital wing! would you leave me be now!" I ranted on.

Draco didn't stop me this time, looking too scared to say a word. I was rather proud of myself for that, "thanks" I mumbled, I despised and hated Draco Malfoy and there would never be a day of my life where I didn't, I don't care how much he does or how much he did. I will hate him until my very last breath, but I still said thanks, dear merlins beard.

I pushed open the doors to the hospital wing, it was quiet and dark, and nobody was staying overnight at the time, Thankfully nobody will see me like this. I may not be keeping it a secret from my friends but everyone else, definitely.

I made my way to the back where madam Pomfrey's office was, it was a small office that connected to a small tower where I assume her sleeping quarters were. I knocked on the door quietly, I only waited a few seconds before the door swung open to reveal a tried-looking Madam Pomfrey.

"come in dear," she said kindly motioning me inside. "I have a jar you can take with you so you don't have to keep making the long walk here every night." 

I smiled as best I could with the pain. "thank you."

"come, sit here" she nodded to a small chair in the corner, I sat down quietly watching madam Pomfrey go into her storage closet and then back out again now holding a rather large jar of purple paste. she held out her hand for mine which I did hesitantly, mostly because it hurt so horribly.

She immediately frowned at the sight, getting ahold of her emotions again she applied the paste generously making the once bleeding wounds close immediately not leaving a trace. though the scar from the last few weeks would still be there, at least it wouldn't get worse.

"Now every night apply that as soon as you get in your common room, and I have given those Weasley boys a jar in case you go there instead of Slytherin." she smiled handing me the jar. "now, next time things like this happen don't hide it, please."

"I won't" I smiled weakly glad the pain was gone. "I promise."

"Good, well you may go now, all teachers know not to punish you for being out right now but if you run into any prefects show them this" she turned around pulling something out of her desk and then turning back. "it a pass to be out, and lasts until next Wednesday night."

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now