29. The curious Ravenclaw (under editing)

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"Professor?" I asked sitting down in front of snape, harry had just left, and let's just say... he didn't do very well. Snape was clearly agitated which didn't help me in any way.

"Yes, Black?" he said cooly glaring at me.

"last time you said you believed I hadn't yet unlocked my legilimency... but I think you're wrong," I said slowly, I wasn't fond of angering him anymore.

"you think I'm wrong?" he raised a brow "and why is that, Black."

"Because I got into the head of Amos Diggory a few nights ago." I gulped "I saw the aftermath of the final task, when uh Cedric's body was returned to Hogwarts." I looked down, I didn't want to talk to snape about Cedric.

"Does this happen when you are asleep?" he asked.

"mostly, sometimes when I'm sad or in a very quiet environment as well." I looked up again "I don't know how to do it on command."

"I see," he stood up. "well I think you misunderstood me the other night. I know you have unlocked this ability, or you would've never seen the vision before Christmas. I simply meant you have yet to grasp control of it. Stand up now"

I stared at him for a second before listening, I stood up and faced him pulling out my wand. "what now?"

"I want you to do everything in your power to try and enter my mind, and I will not put up a fight... at first." he said cautiously "but after you become skilled enough to enter my mind I will start fighting it." snape placed his wand tip to his head pulling out several silver strings before placing his wand back inside the pockets of his robe. "do not worry, I will not be able to enter your mind, yours is far to protected."

I nodded slightly before raising my wand to face him, I closed my eyes breathing in and out a few times before I reopened my eyes and stared directly at snape. "Legilimens!" I said loudly I felt a whoosh and glimpses of a young snape flashed through my mind, they were all blurry but they were there.

I stumbled back, I was back inside the potions office, I had technically been successful but not a very good kind. "that wasn't horrible for a first start, if you were learning legilimency like any other random person that would have been phenomenal but you are not a random person."

"I don't know if that's a compliment or an insult, or both..." I mumbled staring at him confused.

"try again," he said cooly.

"Whatever you say snappy" I mumbled but snape shot me a glare. "what!?" I said innocently "you snap a lot at people, you're like a crab, a very depressing crab..."

"try again," Snape said once more through gritted teeth.

"alright" I sighed pulling my wand back up focusing on my mind, and then his. "legilimens!" I once again felt the whooshing sensation, I saw flutters and glimpses of Snape's life, they were all still blurry except for one, one small moment. There in a group of students were the eyes of my mother, her Hufflepuff robes matched beautifully with her looks making her appear innocent and saint-like.

I stumbled back again, this time it wasn't because I couldn't hold on, it was because I was forced out of his mind. "why did you do that!" I said loudly, I was angry, I saw a moment of my mom I had never seen before and he pushed me out. "I had a clear image! I was improving-"

"quiet." he snapped pulling out another silvery string into the Pensieve.

"told you," I said regaining my calm. "snappy."

"I can give you detention miss black."

"ooh sounds fun!" I smiled happily while snape just scowled.


Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now