33. Valentines Day

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I would like to say things do in fact get SLIGHTLY spicy I guess in this chapter. NOT THAT TYPE OF SPICY NO BABY MAKING NONE OF THAT. Also please remember George and Rosalie are only 1 year apart not 2. Yes, she is a 5th year but her actual age is only a year younger than George and everything they do now and later is all consensual ENJOY!

Rosalie's birthday: September 7th, 1979
George's Birthday: April 1st, 1978

"Rosalie wake up!" Danielle screeched flipping onto my bed making me groan.

"Blood hell" I mumbled looking up at her excited face.

"HAPPY VALENTINES DAY!!!" Audrey cheered throwing a bunch of chocolate frogs onto my bed, I grinned at them both before I snorted.

"I love you both, and I thank you very much for this, BUT ITS SIX AM." I flopped back down on my pillow.

"So?" Danielle smiled "we have to get you ready"

"Ready for what?" I asked suspiciously raising my eyebrow.

"Your surprise, Theo would kill us if you weren't looking perfect because he's been planning for weeks."

"I always look like perfection" I snorted pulling myself out of bed. "Your gifts are on your beds." I smiled

"wait what?" Audrey giggled running over to her bed where a large bouquet of white Roses sat along with a box of chocolates from honey dukes.

"Holy shit rosa!" Danielle said happily looking at her own bouquet of dark red roses and a box of chocolates.

"That's not all" I smiled handing out two boxes I pulled from my drawer. "Here"

"More?" Audrey asked coming over Followed by Danielle "now you're making me feel bad, we just got you chocolate frogs."

"I like to give, here take it." I pushed the boxes into their hands revealing a bunch of charms that represented the little talks and things we have done at Hogwarts, "they go on your necklaces"

"Thank you Rosalie" Audrey smiled pulling me into a hug.

"You're amazing Rosa" Danielle giggled pulling me into a hug. "Ok but we truly do need to get you ready, into the beauty chair!" She yelled pushing me into the set in front of her vanity.

"Ok, so what do you personally want to wear? Because sweety we aren't doing a pair of loose jeans and a sweater today, you look adorable in them but today we are dressing up." Audrey sighed

"It's a Monday- what about classes?" I asked looking at her through the mirror, she was looking through my drawer.

"Nope classes are canceled for the holidays, so- wait what about this?" Audrey smiled holding up a white dress with small pink flowers dotting everywhere. "It will make you look cute and innocent which you desperately need" she winked making me roll my eyes playfully.

"Yea that will work, I haven't worn it in ages." I smiled as Danielle got to work with my hair, she obviously had a vision of what she wanted because she didn't even ask what I wanted to do with it.

"Pink or white ribbon?" She asked holding up the two for me to see.

"Definitely pink, it matches the little belt" I smiled while Danielle began to tie them into my hair.

"Ok, how do I look?" Audrey said coming out of the bathroom and showing us her cream-colored blouse with a light pink skirt.

"You look amazing Aud's" Danielle beamed turning back to my hair, I don't know if I was imagining things but I could've sworn Audrey's cheeks turned the shade of her skirt.

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