44. Your Fathers Daughter

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Dear George,

The holidays are going well, I visited with jane but never got the chance to meet with Amos because he was at work. I think I will write to him soon. anyway, how's Hogwarts? is old umbat still making you want to rip your hair out? I'm laughing right now. I miss you, and I hope you're living up to your promise of not pranking everyone over the holidays so they can study, and if not I might beat you bloody. also... has uh, has Graham showed up yet? I was hoping by the time I came back that I would have an entire team again. anyways, I just wanted to tell you that I'm doing well and everyone here is fine. tell me about your day please, and thanks.

-Love R.A.B.


first of all, never say 'dear George' ever again because it is far too formal for anyone's liking, secondly, I miss you too. things here have been pretty calm and yes Fred and I have kept our promise to let everyone study don't get your knickers in a twist... I could've made a joke there but I'm not going to :) anyways, I'm glad to hear you were able to visit Mrs. Diggory and talk with her about life and obviously Cedric. and about Montague... he uh, no he hasn't shown up yet, I'm still sorry about that. my day today has been great, would be even better if you were here so I could try to beat you at monopoly because you seriously got me and Fred hooked. I can't wait to see you and I really want to hear about your day along with everyone else there, speaking of, how's moony and Padfoot? I know the full moon was a few days before break so I wanted to check up. talk to you soon Rose.

-Love G.F.W.

P.s. umbat is driving us mad.

Dear George,

It's proper grammar George, not formal, so I will very much continue to use it even if I hate it too. HI GEORGE! sorry that was Theo, he wanted to say hi, and he also said to tell Lee and Fred he says hi as well. my day has been, well it's been something, I've been helping Theo decorate his new room along with trying to teach snuffles and Moony how to speak french because they wanted to know. Snuffles knows quite a bit and moony isn't doing too bad but French grammar will continue to confuse them. I've also been making chocolate easter eggs stuffed with different fillings for everyone when I get back so I hope you all enjoy those! I've also been working a lot on the little potions experiment I've been working on along with studying for those Bloody O.W.L.s that I must take, but I would say I've still had a rather good break so far. I love you and miss you, and ill see you in a few days.

-Love R.A.B.

Ps. I will throw you into the vanishing cabinet, FIND MY BEATER.

"Are you done writing that bloody letter yet?" Theo grumbled from my bed, his feet rested by my pillows and his head hung off the end as he pointed to different objects in my room.

"yes Theo, I'm done" I giggled wrapping it up and sealing it before handing the little scroll off to Dennis. Dennis on the other hand just looked at me. "oh fine" I placed an almond into his beak which he gladly took.

"do owls even like almonds?" theo asked watching the bird fly out the window, I shrugged "so, what do you want to do today? I'm rather bored so I'm up for anything at the moment."

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now