53. Falling From Grace

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AN: for future reference, almost all of the battles in this book will take place like the events of the movies due to so much actioning happening its easier for me that way but there will be book moments and canon things in those battles.

id get a snack if i were you because...

Word count: 11K

The people who had taken harry out of the hall were nowhere in sight but the sound of feet running up the stairs alerted me. I chased after him all the way to the hospital wing when he stopped abruptly making me run into his back.

"vhat ze ell arry!" i yelled hearing the french "dis you not ear me ze hole way up zee stairs!?" 

"Ok what is happening!?" Theo asked, running inside.

"attends qu'est ce que tu fais lá?!" i groaned in rage as adrian followed up right behind him "dieu  pas toi aussi!"

"Rosalie!" Harry yelled obviously wanting me to shut up. i did. 

"what is all the ruckus!" madam Pomfrey asked sharply

"wheres professor McGonagall?" harry asked trying to ignore the many whispering french swears "I need to see her urgently" 

"what the hell does gros con mean?" Adrian whispered earning a sharp glare from me.

"well sorry to disappoint but shes not here potter," Pomfrey said sadly "she was transferred this morning to st mungos, four stunning spells to the chest at her age? its a wonder it didn't kill her!"

"je jure que dès que je verrai ces fonctionnaires du ministère, je vais les étrangler!" i mumbled harshly.

"will you stop it with the french!" all three of the boys yelled.

"ell I am sorry I ant elp it!" I snapped. 

"EVERYONE SHUT UP!" Harry roared making the room go silent "shes gone?" the bell rung and the usual distant rumbling of students echoed through the corridors.

"well its no suprise you're shocked potter" madam ponfrey said "as if one of them couldve stunned minerva mcgonogall face on at daylight! cowardice! plain cowardice! if i wasnt worried of what would happen to my students i would resign in protest."

"yes," said harry bluntly, I looked at Adrian and theo who looked at me. the first time today all three of us were in equal confusion.

"Harry" i said regaining control over my voice "what happened?"

"ill tell you just come with me I need to find Hermione and Ron" he grunted storming out of the wing.

the three of us all followed after him and back down the large staircase. I swear if I had to do any more running today I might actually lose my mind.

"harry!" Hermione screeched seeing the group of us run down on staircase then he started pulling us back up another one.

"are you alright?!" Hermione asked

"where have you been!" Ron demanded 

"all of you come with me!" he finally said to the group of five following him, "i need to tell you all  something."

"what is it you need to tell us!?" I asked as he shoved us into an empty classroom "Harry you're worrying me."

"Voldemorts got Sirius" the whole world went silent for what seemed like hours in this singular moment. 

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now