42. You're leaving?

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"In your face Weasley!" I jumped up with glee as it was nearing five o clock in the morning. "I WON! SEVEN HOURS OF MY LIFE WERENT WASTED!"


"God dammit!"


"You little serpent twat!"

"Oi," I snapped placing my hands on my hips. "Leonardo Zacharias Jordan I will beat you bloody if you call me a 'serpent twat' ever again, you hear me?" I threatened, putting my face millimeters away from his.

"Are we about to kiss?" Lee winked containing his stifled snorts.

"I don't know, are we? L e o n a r d o"

"LEONARDO?!?" The group around us all started to burst out laughing, at five am anything could make someone laugh. "And if anyone other than George gets to kiss her, ITS ADRIAN AND ME," Theo said sharply.

"Why Adrian?" George asked with a smile, falling back into the rug while I dropped down letting my head rest on his stomach. "I mean I get you, besties and all" He taunted, while gently playing with strands of my hair.

"He saw her changing once and ever since it's just been an ongoing joke between them on who can make the other blush first. Neither has succeeded." Theo smiled "they bet each other twenty Galleons."

"Yet," I said quickly. "WAIT WOULD A KISS MAKE HIM BLUSH?!?"

"Rose, the only man other than me I would let you kiss is Theo." George snorted waving his finger around at all the boys "he's the only one of you I trust"

"Awe, thing two your gonna make me blush" Theo gushed jumping over and placing a kiss on my cheek and then, shockingly George's. "MUAH!"

George and I started wheezing and laughing making George tighten his grip on me, it was comforting. "I'd kiss him" I shrugged "in my head I don't really see kissing, holding hands, and stuff like that to be strictly romantic. I don't know, if you show a kiss to your romantic partner out of love why can't you do the same to platonic partners and family?"

"I'm the same way" lee added "I don't see why hand-holding, hugs, and kisses are so formally made to be romantic."

"I'm iffy, kissing feels more romantic depending on where you're kissing but the other stuff, I agree with you guys," Fred said smiling as he picked up all the monopoly items and put them away.

"I'm with Fred On this one" George added.

"George I'll pay you two galleons if you let Rosalie and Theo kiss, this is just to prove a point, cause the three of us" lee motioned to Himself and Theo and me. "All agree kissing, holding hands, and hugs aren't strictly romantic."

George thought for a moment, I knew he was scared that Theo and I had feelings for each other a few months ago but I assured him many times that it was strictly platonic. And it was, I only felt the way I did for George, for George.

"Make it three galleons and they both have to have full consent to do it, I don't want them to be pressured into thinking that they have to cause we want them to." George sat up and kissed my cheek while resting his forehead on the side of my head for a second.

"I mean I already said I would be fine with it" Theo shrugged, "I've already told her I'm not very fond of her... species soo LETS DO IT?!? It's tradition to kiss your best friend at least once in your life."

"He's right" lee agreed with a nod. "OH MY MERLIN WE CAN MAKE THIS A FRIENDSHIP MARRIAGE!"

"We never kissed? does that make us not best friends?" Fred asked raising a brow.

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now