9. the beginning of the end

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Over the past two weeks, things at Hogwarts have gone deeper and deeper into chaos. Umbridge was naming decree after decree making my first year at Hogwarts the worst year of my life. I had heard such remarkable things about This school from my father and new friends but this felt like torture, I mean who could truly enjoy this?

My dreams weren't getting any better either, ever since that day in the hall they were getting worse. every night it happened It would be of something new. I had at least 3 a week and every single one was about Voldemort, in one I was a boy getting the dark mark, and in another, I was using the cruciartis curse in the ministry lobby, I didn't see anyone in the dream just me performing that curse. each one got darker and darker, blood, murder. I could barely sleep at night, I would wake up every time in a cold sweat unable to go back to sleep.

The worst of them all though, was ear-piercing cries that came from my mouth, the hum of the Hogwarts band in the background, and the gasps of horror released from everyone else around me. that one left me in tears every time I woke up.

well besides the good old dreams and Umbridge, I had one thing to look forward to, and that was the first Hogsmeade trip of the year, I had obviously never been to Hogsmeade but I heard from Fred and George and Cedric in a letter, that it was a fun place to go. The twins were very pushy on the idea of me visiting zonkos joke shop with them to get ideas for their own joke shop, which we had created many new ideas for over the past weeks.

It had become frigid in temperature over the past 2 weeks, going from an average warm 70 degrees a day to 30 overnight. thick snow packed the ground and our uniforms were now required to be our winter-designed clothes, which in truth weren't that much warmer, only having a longer thicker sweater and a thicker cloak but anything was better than nothing.

I was quite familiar with snow, but not this much. ilvermorny got its fair share of snow over the years during wintertime but nothing compared to Hogwarts which was up in the hills of Scotland, I found snow beautiful and silent but at the same time, it was my absolute least favorite. I would rather go through a hurricane than watch it snow.

Quidditch practice for the first game in a few weeks had become horrid, playing in the snow made it difficult to see and to well, do anything, most of the team's muscles being so tensed from the cold they couldn't play. I continued my lessons with Malfoy for 2 weeks until he was able to catch the snitch 9 times in an hour, I decided that was good enough and said for him to just continue during practices, I hoped so badly he would get better so we had a better shot at winning.

the practice for today had ended and I made my way from the snow-covered pitch back up to the castle which appeared misty due to the snow, gross, utterly gross. I was bundled up in my biggest winter coat trying my best to keep warm, Theo had decided to stay later at practice for game planning, and as much as I wanted to help him I couldn't stay out in the cold anymore, and even worse I had to study for my bloody O.W.L.s

I entered the clock tower courtyard which was by far one of my favorite places in the entire castle, but I was greeted today not just by Fred and George but by another voice as well. I made out the voices to be Fred and George, along with Hermione.

"meet at the hogs head at 3 pm Saturday," Hermione whispered, moving her head around as to make sure nobody was watching, blind I tell you because I wasn't hiding very well.

"what for?" Fred and George replied crossing their arms together.

"Harry has an announcement, I'm not supposed to say anything here but I feel like you might need to know so you'll come, we want to start a club where he teaches us defense against the dark arts, as you can tell umbat is doing an awful job." Hermione scoffed shaking her head

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz