46. If The Whole World Was Watching

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Content warning: slight sexual content, it does not go into detail but it is implied. 

The castle was cold, and my feet were guiding me along the stone without me even noticing where I was walking.

I had taken my robes off and had them draped over my arm as I made my way not to the Slytherin common room, but to Gryffindor tower.

I knew George would provide the comfort I was needing right now and I also needed his help with a little something, that something being to help me speak to Remus and Sirius.

"Hi, Penelope" I mumbled coming up to the tired portrait. "Er- is it fizzing whizbee?" I asked unsurely but with a small nod of her head, the portrait swung open revealing the quiet chatter of the Gryffindor common room.

My eyes drooped slightly as I saw Fred, Angelina, and lee all sitting on the couch but George wasn't present. That was odd.

"Hey Fred" I smiled softly nodding to Angelina and lee, "where's George?"

"He's upstairs in our dorm, I think he wanted to take a shower but he should be done by now." Fred smiled throwing a grape at Angelina watching her catch it in her mouth.

"Ok thanks" I undid my tie as I walked up the stairs to the boy's dormitories in a sluggish manner, I hadn't been tired before I went to the lessons but you know after finding out a bunch of info that would've been otherwise unknown was odd.

When I opened the door it creaked alerting George of someone's presence. "Is that you Fred?" I didn't say anything simply tossing my robe on the floor beside George's bed and coming up beside it, he grinned when he saw me. "What are you doing here?"

I shrugged crawling into the bed and sitting myself down in his lap with my legs on either side of his torso, I wrapped my arms around his neck and rested my head on his shoulder in a hug.

"You alright, love?" He asked softly holding my torso gently and kissing my cheek. "I'm all for the company but usually you are much happier"

"Lessons with snape went like shit, and your hair smells like peaches, I like it," I mumbled feeling the damp strands of hair hit my cheek. I had now realized George was only wearing plaid pajama pants and no shirt. A small blush rose on my face.

"I'm sorry" he whispered pulling me back slightly to look at him. "Wanna stay here tonight? We can watch full house, I know you like it."

"I have no pajamas though" I frowned kissing his forehead. "And I don't wanna sleep in an uncomfy shirt and tights."

"I mean you could always just take them off-" George smirked cheekily earning himself a stern glare. "I'm only joking, only joking!" He defended "but I do have an old shirt and pants you can wear."

"Please get them I am too lazy to do so myself" I grumbled rolling onto the soft bed.

"What's the magic word?"


"It was hippogriff but because I love you ill accept the please" he smiled wiggling himself out of bed and to his drawer.

I let myself stare at him for a little bit, I never really took the time to fully admire George appearance-wise.

Of course, I had always admired him for who he was as a person but sometimes I forgot how unbelievably beautiful he was. His Hazel eyes that appeared green in the sun always took my breath away, his freckles that softly dotted over his face could cause me to faint and the way his hair looked like literal fire in the light could make me crumble. He was gorgeous and he chose me. Me!

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now