36. A Sleepover With Frederick

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February finished off in a blur of homework and studying, we were now in early March, and the weather had drastically changed within these last few weeks.

Though one occasion that would make me less hyper-fixated on work was arriving soon, Remus's birthday. I had been working on the wolfsbane potion nonstop whenever I wasn't doing homework, lessons, or legilimency.

George and I weren't keeping our relationship a secret anymore, did we scream about it in the halls? No, but have we started actually acting as a couple in public? definitely.

George was happier than I had seen him since Christmas and in effect to that, I was too. Hidden kisses in closets and holding hands under the table were all amazing, but the feeling of walking through the hallway holding his hand, and being able to kiss him in public without worrying people will hate him was an entirely different feeling. I was in love.

George had grown curious at what I was doing in the potions classroom so often, though I hadn't told him exactly he had his suspicions.

I was almost entirely sure that professor snape had grown annoyed with my constant Presence in the potions classroom, though I never really talked my annoyed grunts and slamming of ingredients on the table were a problem.

I had gone through so much money the last few weeks constantly buying ingredients from the shop in Hogsmeade I thought I was going to go bankrupt, but I would gladly do it if I could do something to help Remus or all werewolves in general.

"Miss Black, do you not have anything else to do...." Snape sneered from across the classroom, his greasy hair flipped back as he looked up revealing his hooked nose that seriously made him look like a vampire.

"No" I replied going back to my work, I was getting somewhere and I knew it, something inside of me was guiding me the right way... whatever it was I was trusting it.

I glanced up seeing snape still watching me, legilimency had been getting very easy recently. I was able to feel people's emotions as soon as I laid eyes on them, I didn't enter their minds, mostly because I wasn't trying to but I was able to feel the energy coming off of them.

Theo for example, usually felt upbeat and giddy when I felt his emotions, every once in a while he had a wave of guilt and grief wash over him but those were rare occasions and I always made sure I gave him extra hugs and didn't call him a Troll during those. No, but seriously I always comforted him in a mature way.

Fred was similar to Theo with a confident and happy bubble surrounding him that washed over me lifting my mood like an enchantment. But even he had dark times, mostly feelings of heartbreak and guilt, I want to help him but I refuse to go into his mind so it's hard to know how to help.

I could go on for hours thinking back on the emotions I've felt in my friends but I don't have hours, so I thought to the man in front of me.

Snape, was very different from Any of my other friends. His mood was never happy, it wasn't always sad but it was never truly happy. I felt bad for him. He felt heartbreak, hatred, and guilt, similar to Fred, but just like my other friends... I wouldn't ever go into his mind unknowingly.

"Stop," he said Coldy "I know you are reading my emotions."

I huffed slamming the potions book down on the desk. "Well I'm sorry professor, I can't really help it now can I!"

"watch. Your. Tone." He seethed

"I can't control when I feel people's emotions! I can control going into their minds but emotions are different, they are always there" I rested my head in my hand. "And this stupid potion is driving me mental, how long have I been in here?"

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now