38. Binding Curses

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"I can't keep doing this" a boy whispered in the dark of the dungeons "I can't keep sneaking around- I can't keep hiding who I am- what I feel!" He cried.

"So you're just going to throw it all away!" The other shouted. "Everything we've built over these past few months- did that mean nothing?!"

"Of course it meant something!" The first boy's voice shuddered with a whisper "you mean something"

"Then why are you leaving!" The second screamed with tears streaming down his face, he walked over to the first boy reaching his hand out "please don't leave, don't leave us! Don't leave... me" he pleaded but the first boy simply recoiled at his touch.

"Do you think I want to leave?" He sobbed "I don't! But I can't keep lying to my friends- no my family! I can't sneak around like this- it's exhausting, I'm keeping a part of my life from the person I love most! I can't keep doing this to her!"

"You're worried she won't accept you..." the second whispered finally understanding "you're scared..."

"Scared?" He laughed "I'm terrified! I've Never loved someone as much as I love her and if she- she would hate me!" He whimpered "She's the only family I have left."

"You don't know that."

"Yes, I do."

"So this is it?" He waved his finger between the both of them "we're over? You're throwing it all away over fear?"

The boy nodded.

"Fine." He said coldly "don't talk to me ever again."

"What- no wait! That's not what I wanted!" The first boy ran after the second tears streaming down his face now "don't shut me out! Don't ignore me please!"

"You made your choice." He mumbled. "Deal with the consequences." And with that he left leaving the other alone and cold, sobbing on the ground.

I woke up with a shrill panic and overwhelming cold washing over me, tears pooled in the corners of my eyes and my hands felt like ice.

I panted a few times observing the area I had woken up in, my dorm room. jade slept quietly by my side, the interlocking vines and lone Hufflepuff scarf lined the bedposts. It was a dream, well another vision.

I couldn't make out faces this time, not even the voices, it was like a muddy image both in sound and picture. The clock by my bedside read 6:02, it was foolish to go back to bed now when I could just get ready and use this time to study. And that's what I did.

I slowly lifted myself out of bed taking care of what needed to be taken care of, my period. The one thing I truly and utterly hated about my Hogwarts experience was my period. What girl wants to have to go to Severus fucking snape to get a damn tampon.

A good thing about this dreadful curse though, was how George behaved. He had spent most of his free time studying with me in the library and bringing me lots of chocolate any time I needed it. I felt like I was a queen, shoulder massages, hair care, schoolwork, anything I needed or needed help with he got. He was too good to me.

I pulled on my uniform opting to wear my black converse today instead of the normal school shoes, they had been approved by snape unwillingly, and though they did not go against the dress code, he heavily disapproved.

Umbridge wasn't as bad as before... to me at least, yes she create decree after decree but none of them actually affected me... Umbridge was targeting muggle-borns and halfbreeds, I was neither. Though I may be quiet now about all the things she has done, it is nothing compared to the hell I am going to unleash on her for all the horrible things she's doing to the people I care about just because of their blood status.

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now