55. A summer to remember

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songs for this chapter: 

Two birds on a wire - Regina Spektor

Right Where you left me - Taylor Swift

June 25th 1995

I enjoyed potions, I especially enjoyed potions when it was my last week of school. I enjoyed potions even more when it was my last week of being at ilvermorny. Starting in September I would be attending Hogwarts, with Cedric who was my closest friend.

this summer Cedric and I planned on meeting up and hanging out. he said he'd introduce me to his friends and show me around his favorite spots to hang out. i would be lying if I said I wasn't excited.

"Miss Black" my professor, professor Lockley called alerting me from my daydreams. oh no.

"er-" I stammered dropping my pencil on the ground "shit," I said under my breath and then hoping he didn't hear it as I picked up my very dull and very short pencil from the ground.

"what is the answer to the problem Miss Black?" he asked crossing his arms. his arms were very skinny from what I could tell, but it was hard to completely confirm with the suit he wore.

"what- what problem exactly?" I mumbled grimacing at my stupidity. he sighed heavily.

"how much lavender would you put into the calming draught?" he asked, I didn't see why we were studying now due to the fact we had already taken our exams.

"16 grams," I said instantly, I tried not to say a snide comment about how much of a simple potion it is.

"yes that is correct, the calming draught..." and I was out once again.

I moved my books aside and went back to writing my letter to Cedric. what's funny is sometimes while writing I wondered why exactly I had never developed a crush on him. not that all friends who were boy-girl pairings had to end up liking each other, it's just... I hadn't ever had a crush and my relationship with Cedric started to make me wonder if I was even able to love anyone in that way.

I had written a letter a day since the quidditch world cup and Cedric had written back just as many. but still, I felt nothing but friendship. I even kissed him once to see if I would feel anything at all but that was a complete nope.

not that I would ever tell anyone about that kiss...

it was after the second task of the Triwizard tournament when Cedric had saved me from the black lake. it was my first time ever seeing Hogwarts and he was taking me around the castle for the day so that when I moved I would know my way around somewhat.

he showed me many classrooms, the kitchens, the owlery, the room of requirement, and more but the one place that stood out had to be the Hufflepuff common room. the school was mostly deserted as people ran around the grounds gawking over victor krum or the tournament but Cedric and I just explored his common room.

he eventually showed me his bedroom (not in a creepy way, get your head out of the gutter) which was only shared with himself, and two other boys I found were named, Danny, and Dawson Ollivander.

"so, do you know anything about professor lupin? like if you can come here next year?" he asked taking a seat on his bed.

I shrugged "he still says no, but- I don't really know how to explain it..." I mumbled sitting down beside him.

"Explain what?" he nudged my arm with a smile.

"I can feel that he's going to say yes eventually" I fiddled with my thumbs "it's just a feeling in my chest... I can tell he will say yes but I just- I don't know when"

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now