22. The Wolf and The Dog (under editing)

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"Theo are you sure about this?" i ask quietly standing outside of Sirius's bedroom "i mean what if he truly does become a murderer"

"Positive, everyone here deserves a good laugh." he smiled adding a quick wink as he did so. "c'mon I've known the man for a day now and there is no way he wouldn't bloody love this!"

"well maybe if it was noon, not 6 am!" I sighed looking back up at the ridiculous boy.

"Please Ro! it would be funny." Theo started bobbing up and down on his toes from excitement, giving me the biggest puppy dog eyes he could muster.

"ugh! fine! purely because I cannot stand to look at you being all pathetic!" I huffed before muttering the animagus incantation.

My once two legs disappeared morphing into four furry ones, my tail wagged fiercely behind me and I looked up at Theo who appeared more excited than ive ever seen him, i spun around in a circle twice getting myself ready.

Theo peeked his head inside the room seeing Sirius sleeping peacefully on his bed before ducking his head back out giving me the thumbs up. I huffed as he opened the door allowing me to walk right in. I stood at the bottom of the bed looking at Sirius's sleeping body, he looked rather peaceful if I said so myself, oh how that was about to go away.

I pounced onto Sirius's head making him wake up in a scream of terror, I mean who wouldn't be terrified to see a wolf standing on top of them when they woke up? I jumped off of Sirius choosing to stand on the other side of the bed, he looked around in his sleepy state letting out another scream at the sight of the wolf on his bed.

"Who are you!? Thing 1? Thing 2? Rosalie!?" he sputtered out, I barked at the sound of my name which only made Sirius smile "you truly do take after me you know that?" I started trotting around the bed with my tail wagging behind me, my victory parade wasn't long-lasting though, Sirius morphed into a black shaggy dog right in front of me letting out a low growl.

oh no, this wasn't part of the plan. my tail stopped wagging as sirius pounced at me, I quickly jumped off the bed bolting down the stairs. The black shaggy dog chased after me barking as he did so, waking the entire bloody house up as he did so. I mean Sirius, this is why you aren't in Ravenclaw.

once we got to the kitchen, Mrs. Weasley was standing there humming to herself cooking breakfast, we ran through causing her to scream, dropping the potatoes she was peeling. I felt bad, we did almost give the poor woman a heart attack.

Sirius barked at me, backing myself into a corner I lunged back at him as we did a wrestling match on the ground. Sirius tried running away but I chased after him, as we ran up to the ground level floor and then up to the second where all of the Weasley children and harry had walked out of their rooms to see what had rudely awoken them, only to see Sirius and I wrestling on the ground as a wolf and a dog.

Theo loudly ran down the stairs to the second-floor shouting as he did so "GET HIM RO!"

"Rosalie's a wolf?!" Ron asked confused as could be, making many of the others look at him.

I quickly transformed back still wearing my pink pajama shorts and one of George's old t shirts that was given to me a few weeks ago, my hair was flowing loosely and messily over my shoulders while some covered my face.

"yes, I see you've caught on" I smiled broadly holding back the shaggy black dog "oh would you stop it old man!"

"I'm only 36!" he protested falling back onto the ground, no longer a dog.

"then why do you look like one?" I asked tilting my head slightly with a cheeky grin.

"you try being in azkaban for 12 years and see what it does to your beauty!" he huffed pulling himself together as he stood up, "now I think I would fancy a nice helping of whatever molly is cooking down there." and with that, he walked off down the stairs.

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now