40. The Thestral and The Magpie

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It had been a week since the twin's birthday and now we were on our way to our D.A. Lessons. And by we I mean, Adrian, Blaise, Theo, George, Fred, Lee, Audrey, Danielle, and myself.

To most, seeing nine people walking down an empty corridor together would seem suspicious but for this group of people, it genuinely wasn't surprising. We had become somewhat friends, every single one of us.

Today's topic of conversation as we walked, was Professor Snape's hair care, again.

"Ok, I told Rosalie a while ago that if snape took care of his hair he would be such a heartthrob for middle-aged witches!" Theo exclaimed wiggling his eyebrows "my, my, he already has me stuttering at the thought"

"No, he has a point" Danielle agreed "snape isn't the ugliest of creatures, just introduce him to some shampoo and face wash, and BOOM. Attractive man."

"Yeah if he would just learn to moisturize and wash those raven-colored locks he would have us all swooning" I pretended to faint into Theo's arms.

"Oh, Severus!" Adrian fake moaned making the group of Slytherins burst out laughing and leaving the Gryffindors to be very confused.

"WOULD THEY CALL HIM SEVERUS DURING THAT?!?" Theo and George practically screamed in a fit of giggles, it warmed my heart at how close they had become recently.

"Nah they would call him ol snivellous" I snorted imitating Adrian, just I did not moan. I am not a five-year-old. "Oh, snivellous! Oh, snivellous!"

"Wait hold on- that's what you meant by snivellous jr?!?" Fred and lee asked howling with laughter and George was wiping tears of laughter from his face at the thought.

"Who the hell came up with the name snivellous?" Blaise asked.

"Remus did, back when he was at Hogwarts" I smiled interlocking George's hand with mine.

"I hope we are doing Patronus's today," Theo said drearily looking off into nothingness. "I wonder what mine would be?"

"A weasel," Fred said cheekily

"Says the Weasley, your name is practically the word weasel" Lee laughed

"I would not be a weasel!" Theo whined, "I would be a fierce dragon!" The entire group burst into a fit of laughter.

"Theo I think yours would be a Beagle," I said kindly, "it fits, you're loyal, happy, very affectionate, and quite hyper"

"Well Fred and I already know ours will be Magpies" George commented.

"How do you know that?" Audrey asked kindly

"Er- nevermind" Fred sighed

"Your Patronus can be different from your animagus form" I whispered in George's ear "using that information, I think Lee's Patronus will be a badger instead of a panther. But the panther represents how he presents himself while his Patronus will be his true heart."

"So I might not be a magpie?" George questioned

"Oh no you definitely have a magpie Patronus" I smiled as we approached the room of requirement which was already revealed due to a few other students entering right before us, so we walked right on in.

We all took our seats on beanbags waiting for Harry to announce whatever we were doing this lesson. I took my regular seat with George on our beanbag, Theo and Adrian sat together, Blaise joined beside Audrey, and Danielle and Fred and lee sat together.

We were some of the first to arrive as we watched all of the other members all being either Hufflepuff Ravenclaw, or Gryffindor due to my friends and being the only Slytherins. And we weren't even invited to the first meeting, Theo and I just well crashed it.

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