10. The Odd Ones Out

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The common room was empty just as I liked it, I had made the decision to skip breakfast and work on my homework in the quiet and chilly atmosphere of the Slytherin common room.

potions homework was by far my favorite if I had to choose a favorite with homework. I understood everything about potions and I was glad that's all I had left for homework this week. I wanted to be able to enjoy my first Hogsmeade visit without the stress, and lucky for me I finished the potions assignment before breakfast was even finished.

I would've liked to go and eat something but I was still in my pajamas and it would've taken too long to get ready in time. I sighed putting my potion books away and headed back to my empty dorm room, extending the curtains from my bed to change.

jade had swooped over against my leg pleading for some cuddles, I laughed at the needy cat before scratching the top of her head gently, and got back to getting dressed.

the weather was still cold, so I grabbed my comfiest pair of blue jeans that flared a bit at the bottom along with a multicolored green sweater. I added some rings, bracelets, and earrings, along with soft pink lipgloss. my hair had been put into a loose braid with small strands falling over my face.

looking in the mirror, I looked quite pretty to my standards. deciding I was ready I pocketed my bag of money for Hogsmeade and pulled on my shoes, I went with my black converse. due to them being so worn down they had become the most comfortable shoes I have.

my sweater thankfully, was thick enough so I had no need for a jacket. I walked out of my dorm and met up with Theo in the common room. we had decided to go to Hogsmeade together and hang out, then join the twins and lee later. But before we could do that, I did something I don't think Hermione would've agreed to.

"hey Theo," I say with a cheeky smile

"Why hello there," he says with his hands in his pockets, Theo himself was wearing kahkee jeans, a brown sweater with a button-up underneath, and white shoes, id been used to seeing him in his uniform and sweatpants that seeing him actually dressed up was new.

"well don't you look dashing" I laugh as we made our way to the entrance door.

"I think I do, I gotta look extra nice if I'm going to be seen with someone as beautiful as you" he cheekily smiled

"I know I am so beautiful, might as well consider me a veela" we laughed as we walked down the corridor. "I needed to tell you about something"

"And what would that be?" he questions

"Well, I need you to go with me to the hog's head at Three."

"Why don't we just go to the three broomsticks? it's cleaner and has better food?" Theo says suspiciously

"well... I'm going there with Fred and George, because-" I looked around the corridor to make sure nobody was listening "harry is starting a club that teaches us defense against the dark arts, real defense against the dark arts. Voldemort is back and Umbridge isn't helping us whatsoever." I say rushed

"so... you want me... to go with you to join a club where a 15-year-old boy teaches me magic?" he says flatly


"I'm in!" he giggled "I mean it's not going to hurt me in any way so why not" he shrugged throwing his arm around me.

"Great, we're going to meet the twins around 12 so we have until then to ourselves, and I want to see everything except zonkos, ill wait until we're all together."

"that's fine with me, and let's go to honeydukes, I desperately want some candy" he sighed "oh we need to sign out with filch before we go"

"We do?" Theo nodded as we walked up to filch, the old man gave me the creeps, any time he saw me doing something he had an odd glint of hostility in his eyes.

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now