31. Azkaban Breakout

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This chapter and the next are definitely my favorites so far. like AH <3

January merged into February quickly, I made more time to spend with Fred and George even if it involved me studying while they created jokes and prank ideas.

I had fully gotten over my embarrassment for George hearing my personal thoughts and I was now happy he heard because I had someone to go to, to talk about this stuff with other than a damn rock in space, sorry moon, I love you.

George had been very patient with me about the subject, he loved hearing stories about my mum and Cedric too which helped me a lot because I was able to focus on the positives about them instead of the negatives.

Theo had become a little quieter recently, not much of a change but I knew him too well not to suspect something, he promised me nothing was wrong but I didn't believe him, I felt it had something to do with his father.

I had been spending most of my Saturdays and Sundays studying or working on my wolfsbane alteration, I would have to find someone or something to test it on which was what was difficult, and I was definitely not using my father. Another thing I was working on, was finding a boggart for harry to use during D.A. lessons, I suggested he just wished for a boggart while in there and maybe one would show up but let's just say that didn't happen.

Warmer weather had also arrived with February, it was now tolerable to be outside longer than 30 minutes, and I was very happy about that. Blaise and Adrian officially joined the D.A. and have been doing very well, Adrian was already in 7th year and knew too many things and Blaise is a very fast learner.

George and I were still keeping our relationship not exactly hidden but not exactly public either, every one of our close friends knew, when I told Adrian he dropped his toast before telling me he saw it coming and Blaise merely claimed he knew it would happen eventually. Theo sat smugly in front of them because he was important enough to already know.

Theo, Adrian, Blaise, Danielle, and Audrey were who I spent the most time with, we shared a common room that was available 24/7 so whenever we weren't in classes or at meals we were basically together, they'd become my people, my family. I don't know if that made me happy or terrified.

Everyone I care about seems to have a horrible fate, my mum, my dad, and even innocent Cedric. it was three people out of billions in the world but it didn't matter they were my world and as soon as I came to that realization they were gone, it's hard to open yourself up to others when you're terrified they will be gone just like that too.

Theo and I walked arm in arm to the great hall, it was sort of routine now, wake up, get dressed, walk with Theo. He was by far my closest friend, though I wouldn't admit this to myself out of fear it was true, Fred came at a close second, and George, well I won't admit how much he means to me.

"ok I'm just saying, snape would be much more attractive if he washed his damn hair, I mean he could have many witches twisted around his finger but nope, it's his own doing." Theo ranted on.

"Theo, what goes on in that small little acorn brain of yours?" I flicked his forehead with a giggle.

"many things, many, many things Rosalie." he said with wide eyes, "some things... are well" he shuddered making me snort.

"ok well, if we are truly being honest here, you're right snape would get ladies if he washed his hair and smiled, I'm pretty sure that all it takes for middle-aged women... smile, nongreasy hair, man too old for them, yep all seems accurate." I tilted my head in concentration.

"See!" he said happily "I knew I wasn't mental"

"oh no you are mental" I smiled "we both are at this point"

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