45. Like Mother Like Daughter

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Sirius's eyes stared back at mine with terror at what I had just found, this was obviously something he thought he didn't have to worry about. But he very much did.

"Well?" I asked, "my entire family was wiped out and nobody told me anything?"

"Rosalie can we talk about this somewhere else-" Remus glanced at theo but I cut him off.

"When will you guys get that I tell Theo everything! Whatever I know he knows! So just tell me what the hell happened?!" I stood up straight pacing the floor.

"Your grandparents were killed in the spring of 1978, and a few months later the entire family other than your mother and Redolphus Lestrange were murdered in their own homes with symbols carved into their foreheads. The daily profit never told anyone what they were but they were there, we don't know anything else but one can assume it was either dark wizards or a revenge kill" Sirius sighed placing his head in his hands. "You were never supposed to see that-"

"Why the hell not?" I asked loudly, I hated being cruel to my family but something was overtaking my senses like I was being blinded by my crave and need for answers. "Is that all that's known?"

"Yes," Remus answered calmly, how the hell was he so calm?!

"Why would my father have this hanging on his wall?" I asked lowering my voice "and I don't believe it was because he loved the dark arts, because we all know the truth about that."

"He was in love with your mum," Remus said softly "it was about her family, I don't know why else he would."

I sighed rubbing my temples, this felt like a waste of time. Well, not a total waste... "they had symbols on their heads?"

"Yes" Sirius spoke softly "they did"

"Alright" I muttered and ran out the door again but this time I grabbed the half-blood prince's book from the den and ran upstairs to my room.

The books on the wolfsbane potion were discarded and my social interaction with anyone other than Kreacher and Remus for the next three days was little to none.

I spent dawn to dusk reading books and searching the old potions book hundreds of times looking for a particular symbol that looked so familiar when I had seen it in my father's room, I just needed to remember where else I had seen it.

The locket never left my neck, I had discovered it can cause harmful emotions to those who wear it but I hadn't felt any different, so I continued to wear it. I wasn't letting it out of my sight until I was able to destroy it. I would avenge my father's death.

The train ride back to Hogwarts was a lonely and quiet one, Theo and I sat in the same compartment but I didn't say much as I was too engrossed in the potions book. I had it memorized by now.

"Are you going to become a healer?" Theo asked sadly, I felt slightly horrible because I had been neglecting him somewhat over the last few days.

"No, just research" I sighed placing my head on the ground, I had been laying on the floor. "I'm sorry"

"For what?" He asked closing his book with a confused grin.

"I've been ignoring you, Im sorry, I just- I need to figure this out, or im going to lose my mind, plus there is a spell I need to test out and it's just- I don't know!" I was almost crying now, stress wasn't something I dealt with easily.

"It's alright, Ro" he reassured sitting down beside me and closing the book I was looking at. "Come on, you can take a 20-minute break, right? That's how long we have until we get there."

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now