19. (Under editing)

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It had been 2 weeks, the winter holidays were only a few days away. I had written a letter to Sirius making sure Theo was able to come over for Christmas along with me attending the Weasleys, and he agreed immediately always wanting more company even if he was a bit bummed I would only be there for half of it.

That had to be the only good thing about the last few weeks. Nobody knew about the detentions with Umbridge other than me McGonagall, snape, and her, I swear I think snape and Minnie trying to give me less work at this point. they couldn't stop her but they could help me out in any way they could. Nobody knowing, didn't stop people from noticing my pale and weak state though.

I had lost so much blood over the past 2 weeks I was sent to the hospital wing 4 times from fainting. Fred and Theo were worried sick, but George was the worst. As expected December brought on the depression that overtook me every single year for the past 7.

I had blocked everyone out, I became Silent. I didn't even answer professors when they called on me, I just sat there. I stopped sitting at the Gryffindor table for lunch, I stopped going to lunch in general. I would join the twins in the morning, I wouldn't talk and if I did it would be one-worded replies. Theo was the only one who heard more than a yes, no, or maybe from me but even he was cut short, by a lot.

My only communication other than those 3 words to the twins were small kisses to the cheek for George and kisses to the head for Fred.

I stopped doing well in quidditch, I missed more goals than I could imagine during practices, and almost fell off my broom too many times to count, I was lucky Adrian or Blaise always came to save me from falling. It went from the twin's Lee, my roommates, and Theo being worried for me to the entire team, even Malfoy looked worried.

I looked pale white every time someone saw me I looked dead. I wasn't able to eat, I had lost weight. A noticeable amount of weight. I had barely talked to Remus or Sirius either, I went from a letter a week to not sending any other than the one to Sirius.

They wouldn't question it, they knew how I got this time of year, especially Remus who had gone through it almost 7 times now. They understood how I felt and they didn't get mad or call me selfish for acting this way, But I couldn't help but hate myself for being so selfish and shutting everyone out, they didn't deserve That. It felt worse for Neville, I barely spoke during potions and his grade was dropping because of me. I felt like shit.

I wanted to talk to George, Fred, Theo, and lee. I just couldn't bring myself to say anything, I couldn't think of anything happy to say so I said nothing at all.

Danielle and Audrey were worried sick as well, they heard me come in past midnight every night even paler than the last they saw me, they noticed how I didn't speak, how I didn't get excited about anything anymore either. they tried talking to me but it was no use, i was completely closed off.

Jade had become a resident of Fred and George's bedroom, during the evenings Because I wasn't here with her. I was getting carved into instead, but once I was back jade strolled into my room like she knew.

Harry was defeated, he had tried to talk to me multiple times being worried sick but every time he tried I didn't speak, every time I did it was about them.

One week, that's all I needed, one week. I will be at the burrow with Mrs. Weasley, hopefully, the bustling energy of the Weasley household would help.

Cedric was on my mind this year a lot more than I thought he would be, every dirty blonde Hufflepuff that passed me in the hallways made me want to cry, they all reminded me of him. Cedric was the reason I had begged Remus to bring Me to Hogwarts, I didn't have any friends at ilvermorny but I had one here, as soon as Remus had agreed Cedric died.

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora