51. Distance

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Before you read this chapter I would just like to say that it might be edited and re-uploaded in the future because I'm not the happiest with how Rosalie acts in this chapter. I fell out of writing for a while and due to this Rosalie's character slipped my mind and my skill dropped. she can come off as whiny (I'm intending for that) but it gets a little annoying due to me not being able to write it as well. I'm trying to get back into writing more so this story isn't affected. so please if you dislike this chapter give me tips not insults please or if you enjoy it, simply enjoy it!


that's all the paper said, George clutched it tightly in his hands reading the one word over and over again with glee. Rosalie had agreed to meet him, as in meet him today, in three hours. George practically skipped down the hallway of his flat and to the kitchen where he happily made raspberry scones for himself a Fred to enjoy.

Fred was still asleep but even in his sleep, he felt the atmosphere of the flat change entirely, over the past month it had been a horrible experience to be here. it was nearing the first of June and George finally seemed like himself, but the smell of raspberry scones was what truly woke Fred from his sleep.

he practically jumped out of the bed and stumbled over his tired feet scrambling to the kitchen like a child on Christmas, I mean George's baking after being with Rosalie was genuinely one of the best things in this world.

"oh Fred do you want- AHH WHERES YOUR PANTS!?" George squealed dropping a scone from the oven and trying not to look at Fred who simply was in his boxers.

"Who cares about pants when there are freshly baked raspberry scones right there?!" Fred yelled with glee but was immediately shot down by George's cold- well he wasn't glaring but it was something similar and didn't involve eyes. "fine" he grumbled walking back to the bedroom.

George knew he couldn't really talk because he was only in a pair of sweatpants that fit loosely around his hips and well, that was it, so he was only one step away from Fred. George didn't mind though because he was technically covered.

Fred came bursting back into the kitchen in a pair of pajama pants and they were definitely on backward but George didn't mention it and reluctantly handed Fred his scone. Fred had never looked happier.

"so," he said with a mouth full of scone "why are you so cheerful this morning- im not complaining just curious"

George didn't say anything he just slid the paper over to Fred and smiled giddily biting into his own scone. Fred looked confused at first but took the parchment and read its little word. "why the hell are you excited over the word yes?"

"It's from Rosalie, she is going to meet me in Hogsmeade" George grinned.

"how do you know it's from her?"

"she uses this special parchment that has cool engravings and stuff" George shrugged but nothing wiped the smile off of his face, little did he know that a certain someone was having the exact same reaction just a short five hundred and sixty-eight miles away!

"I haven't seen you this excited in weeks, Ro!" Theo exclaimed while looking through my closet trying to find a cute outfit. "June brings new beginnings, and also brings our exams but let's not talk about those."

"yeah, I'd prefer not to stress about the exams two days away." I gulped trying to clear my head. on another note, I was also struggling with my hair because Danielle was currently studying so I didn't want to bother her with hair issues. "anyways, have you picked an outfit yet?"

Little Wolf | George Weasley | UNDER EDITINGWhere stories live. Discover now