11. The Amaranathine Witch

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I woke up at 4 am, the dorm room was dropping in temperature just like the rest of the school making it hard for me to sleep, I truly hated sleeping in the cold. As of right now though, it was because of our fire that had gone out in the middle of the night. "great" I muttered

sighing I got out of bed sending a shiver down my spine, I made sure to slip my shoes on so my feet wouldn't get cold as I walked over to the fire. I placed 3 logs inside using my wand to light the fire and I immediately felt warmth fill the room, my body relaxed as I sat down in front of the fire taking up its warmth.

Jade walked over stretching her body in front of the fire opting to lay on her back. I smiled at the curious cat before walking back over to my bed. I was wearing an oversized sweater with sweatpants, my hair was in a loose Braid with small curled hairs falling around my face.

I knew I wasn't sleeping anymore, and it was extremely difficult to fall asleep after waking up already so I opted to stay up the rest of the morning. I grabbed my glasses from my nightstand trying to be as quiet as I could. I didn't neccarily need to wear glasses but they helped a lot when I was walking alone in the dark or had a migraine.

I picked up a few books from my shelf and picked up jade to take her with me, she, on the other hand, wasn't having it, she wanted to stay by the fire. "shush now" I whispered "there's another one in the common room." Jade acting as if she understood me calmed down allowing me to walk out the door with my face not shredded to pieces.

The castle was so quiet at night, only able to hear the crackling of torches and fireplaces. I walked into the empty and quiet common room, the only place in the castle we were allowed to be past curfew, and I loved it. nobody was up this early which gave me free rein to the whole common room.

I placed jade down on the plush black rug by the fire, taking my seat on one of the leather armchairs opposite her. I grabbed the blanket on the coffee table and laid it over myself looking through the books I brought with me.

one caught my eye, it was the book on amaranthine witches Remus had gotten for my birthday. I put my other books on the table and opened up my chosen book, I hadn't been reading it and I felt horrible asking for it and then waiting almost an entire month before I started it. The book genuinely wasn't long at all, which worried me, and I'm assuming that's why I never started it.

I moved my tongue across the leaf in my mouth, it had started to itch every once in a while and I had seriously just convinced myself that meant it was working. opting to ignore the stupid leaf, god I hated that damn leaf. I opened chapter one of the book, to only find out there wasnt chapters, there were small sections. I sighed before I reluctantly began to read.

'Section 1. The Name'

oh, how interesting.

32nd century BC, Ancient Egypt

the name amaranthine has a greek origin, even though the creator was an ancient Egyptian woman named Nephthys. Nephthys was seen as a very powerful and praised witch in the wizarding world of her time, but it all turned to shreds when everyone claimed she went insane. but I believe not, she claimed to be amaranthine, meaning undying and immortal. She wasn't insane, but she also wasn't immortal, only her powers were immortal, passing down through every generation through the women, and the women only.

'section 2. The History Of Nepathys'

Nephthys was born sometime during the 32nd century but it isn't specified when. Over her years she wrote a diary of every experience she went through. but the diary was mostly filled with her experiences after she had become amaranthine. she called herself The amaranthine witch many times in her diary, which she passed on to her daughter. a key factor in her diary was that everyone in her bloodline must produce 1 female heir, and if this fails to happen there is a fail-safe in case they cannot produce a female heir. but we will go into this in future chapters. Nephthys continued to stay in Egypt for the rest of her life having one child, a girl. she never specified who the father was. she took her and her daughter out to a remote location away from major cities to avoid any further conflict. her diary was expanded using a magical charm, and it has been passed on through decades of her family until one day the entire family disappeared along with the diary. Luckily for us, the diary was found only years ago and after being read by some it was put in a museum located in London, it hasn't been taken off display sense.

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